MD Accessories

(click on pictures for larger view)

AC Timers



Seiko Smart Label Printer 220MD Label Printer???
Features: Software used for the Smart Label Printer can also function with PC connectable Sony MD units (e.g. MDS-PC2).
Links: Seiko's Japanese page for this unit. More information on using the printer with a PC connectable Sony MD unit. The printer's sofware is available for download.

Panasonic SH-CP30MD Label PrinterMSRP JPY 27,800can interface to "MD Network" audio equipment65.2 x 116.5 x 165.5mm
Features: Also can interface with Panasonic digital cameras for creation of labels.
Links: Panasonic's Japanese page for this unit. MiniDisc Now has a scanned in Panasonic catalog with pictures of the unit.

Sony MZP-1MD Label PrinterMSRP JPY 18,000Cable to Sony MD walkman117.2 x 92.6 x 193.5mm, 7.3Kg
Features: MD Label printer that reads in disc and track names from Sony MD portables and automatically prints them on special labels*. Editing of read in names is also possible, allowing one to produce "original labels". Compatible with Sony MD portables except the MZ-1, MZ-2P, MZ-F40 and MZ-B3. (Note Sony MD portable connector in photograph). (*Labels are specially made for Sony MDs).
Links: Sony's Japanese announcement of the unit. A review of the unit (including simple instructions for those who don't read Japanese). Unit can be purchased from The Melting Pot.
Characters: equipped with approx. 7700 kanji, kana, katakana, symbols, 48000 "words" of information.
Fonts: Meiji, Gothic

Remote Control

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Pass (UK) MD-Remote �60.00 ?
Description: The MD-Remote connects to a Sony MZ-R3/30/35/37, and provides larger sized buttons for most of the main controls: Stop, Pause, Record, Play, Forward & Backward Search. There is an "Interlock" mode to prevent accidental activation of recording. The MD-Remote has recently been revised to be smaller and lighter, and the DIN breakout connecter has been replaced with a 3.5mm minijack.
Links: The official Pass MD-Remote page, with general/ordering information on the unit.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Studio Z ZephIR Remote for Macintosh $75 ?
Description: The ZephIR is a hardware and software package for IR universal remote control from a Macintosh (includes ADB port IR interface). Fully scriptable with Applescript, create and manage playlists, Channel Guides, upload and download IR codes from free online library.
Links: Studio Z's webpage for the announce ZephIR.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Majiloon RF Remote Commander IV $309 ?
Description: Working functions include: start up, fast forward, skip ahead, pause, back skip, and rewind; 200-foot range, compatible with all portable MD equipment (the portable's wired factory remote is surrendered and incorporated into the Majiloon wireless remote). Volume control is possible through programming of buttons.
Links: Majiloon's description page for this remote.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
J. E. Nelson RF Remote Control for Sony MDS-JE630 $749* 3" X 5.25" X 5.875"
Description: 2 Key-chain sized remote controls w/3 buttons each, receiver unit. Up to 100' range Play/pause,Skip Forward, Skip Back, Fade Out/In, Stop. *Price includes Sony MDS-JE630 Recorder. $529 without Sony MD system.
Perfect for magicians, hypnosis shows, singers, entertainers that use music in their shows. (
Links: Cue-master "Pro" web site.

Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Philips SBC-RU880 Universal remote control ? IR out ?
Description: Can control 8 TV/VCR/HIFI units, timer function for use with all compatible component systems (i.e. set an MD recorder to start and stop recording at preset times), up to 8 timers can be set. Unit can also emit an FM signal to control Philips power controls.
Links: Philips' page for this unit. Peter Ravn has a dedicated web page for this remote.


Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
WinRemote PC Controller and Titler $47 USD COM port of PC 85 x 60 x 25 mm
Description: Hardware & software solution, which allow you to control SONY audio devices (MD, CD, Tuner, Amplifier, TV, Video ..) and titling MDs from your computer (running Windows 95, 98 or NT).
You can control and title MDs in realtime from your PC keyboard or write titles to text file (or load titles from CDDB internet database) and then send them to MD in batch mode. You can also write scripts (sequence of commands) for controlling SONY devices.
WinRemote work only with SONY MiniDisc decks (not with portables). It's fully compatible with modern decks (MDS-JA50ES, MDS-JA30ES, MDS-W1, MDS-JB920, MDS-JE700, MDS-JE520, MDS-JE510, MDS-JE500, MDS-S38,MDS-S37) and you can use it with older MD decks too (MDS-303, MDS-S35, ...) but titling from text file is slower and realtime titling isn't available on older units. WinRemote can be used with SONY mini systems (DHC-MD515, DHC-MD313, DHC-MD5, ...) where you can controll all components (MD, CD, Tuner, Amplifier, ...)
Links: Martin Danek's MiniDisc Titling Page. John Small's WinRemote review (of an earlier version of the software, before the CDDB interface). Also: Danek's homebrew MD titling system for DOS machines, updated to include the RM-D10P codes. Danek's software for a Universal Infra Red Controller.
Picture Name Desc. Price
AudioLib Database of recordings (MD titler & labeller) $25 USD ($57 with hardware)
Description: AudioLib is database application designate for storing informations of audio recordings (especially on MDs and CDs).
It's 32bit Windows95/NT application, which allow you to:
  • Store informations of your audio recordings
  • Search for specific Album, Track, Singer, ...
  • Title MiniDisc directly from database (with WinRemote hardware)
  • Print labels for MDs and CDs
  • Load CD tracks info from CDDB internet database
  • Replicate data with other users of AudioLib
So with AudioLib you can:
  • Download tracks info from CDDB database (or enter titles manually)
  • Print labels for MDs (or CDs)
  • Title MD (in SONY MD deck) - send titles to MD directly from this database
And you can do it all in one program during about 2 minutes (and what's more: you have stored informations about your MDs in database).
Links: Martin Danek's MiniDisc Titling Page

Picture Name Maker Description Price Dimensions
EasyTitle Hynek Syrovatka
Pepino Sabata
Keyboard Remote Titler and Controller $49 EasyTitle2 72 x 130 x 29 mm
Description:EASYTITLE2 is back in production (10/01).  PC/AT keyboard hardware adapter that allows fast and comfortable MD titling and controlling on modern SONY MD decks as well as controlling of other audio devices like CD Player, Amplifier, Tuner, Tape, VCR, TV, etc.
Works with same decks as SONY RM-D10P but provides deep keyboard buffer for fast typing speed and useful Shift, Caps Lock and Back Space keys as well as other additional functionality. Features almost 400 configurable shortcut keys (it is easy to create a custom keyboard layout), build in countdown timer, build in repeatable countdown timer, 16 configurable (containing up to 8 commands) macros, 3 extra long (containing up to 1023 commands) macros, learning of shortcuts and macros from other remotes. Powered by four R6 (AA) batteries or by AC adapter.
Optional serial interface allows on-line and off-line titling and controlling from a computer.
Update: EasyTitle Version 2 has been released (August 6, 1999), with several added features including an optional serial port, for PC controlled titling.
Links: EasyTitle Page. DIY plans for the earlier EasyTitle 1.

Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Sony RM-D10P Keyboard Remote Control JPY7500 185 x 105 x 15-30 mm
Description: QWERTY keyboard-layout based remote control for titling and editing. Though too small to touch type on, and lacking even 1 key rollover, makes MD titling much quicker. Works only in conjunction with the modern MD decks: MJ-L1, DHC-MD99/ MD77/ MD5/ ??, CMT-M11C, MXD-D1, and MDS-S37/ JE500/ JE510/ JE700/ 503/ J3000/ JA30ES/ JA50ES. A picture of the layout is available.
Links: A user has contributed a review of the RM-D10P, and a list of all the RM-D1OP codes.
Availability: Hitmall sells this device in North America. Also available from Nic Boyde.
Compatibility with MDS-302/303/S30/S35: Trying the RM-D10P with the S30 (small-box version of the MDS-302), this is what happens: (1) MD function keys (play, pause, stop, etc.) work. (2) Edit zone keys (erase, divide, combine, move, etc.) do not work. (3) "Name" key works, but the alphanumeric labeling keys do not work. -Stuart Kiang

Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Sony KB-10 Titling Keyboard JPY6000 PS/2 289 x 144 x 29 mm
Description: QWERTY PS/2 keyboard for titling. Its just nice because its small and sony.
Links: A machine translation of Sony's very brief descripion
Compatibility: Should work with any MD system with a PS/2 input jack. It will also work with modern PCs.


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Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Core Sound Low Cost Binaural and Stealth Cardoid Microphones $75
Description: Small, high quality stealth mount microphones. Excellent entry level mics for MD concert tapers. Comparison files available on request. Core Sound can be reached by phone in the USA at: 1-201-801-0812.
Links:Extensive information and order forms on Len Moskowitz's Low Cost Binaural and Cardoid Mic Page.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Core Sound Binaural Microphones $230
Stealth Cardoid Microphones $250
High End Binaural (HEB) Microphones $900
Description: Small, high quality stealth mount microphones. These mic have matched and modified capsules that provide high sound quality and lower distortion, especially when recording very loud performances. Binaurals are omnidirectional. Stealth Cardioids are directional. The HEBs use Danish Pro Audio 4061 capsules. Comparison files available on request. Core Sound can be reached by phone in the USA at: 1-201-801-0812. Links:Extensive information and order forms on Len Moskowitz's Binaural Mic Page and Cardioid Mic Page.
Links:Extensive information and order forms on Len Moskowitz's Binaural Mic Page, Cardoid Mic Page, and HEB Mic Page. Gary Duke has a demo recording on that he made with Core-Sound battery box binaural mikes.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  The Sound Professionals  Mini Single Point Stereo "T" microphone $49; $59 with clip; $69 with cable and clip 1.5" X 1.75"
Description: A small, omni-directional single point stereo microphone that can be easily plugged into any recorder (DAT, Mini Disc or analog) that has "plug in power" at the microphone input jack. Used for recording lectures, business meetings, rehearsals, and musical performances where stereo separation is not critical but excellent sound quality is.
Links: The Sound Professionals "T" mic page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  The Sound Professionals  Cardioid Single Point Stereo "T" microphone $159  
Description: A small cardioid single point stereo microphone with flexible arms that can be easily plugged into any recorder (DAT, Mini Disc or analog) that has "plug in power" at the microphone input jack. Used for recording lectures, business meetings, rehearsals, and musical performances where excellent stereo separation and sound quality are required.
Links: The Sound Professionals "T" mic page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  The Sound Professionals  Handheld Cardioid Single Point Stereo "T" microphone $179 with cable, hand grip/mic stand mount  
Description: A small hand held or mic stand mounted cardioid single point stereo microphone with flexible arms that can be easily plugged into any recorder (DAT, Mini Disc or analog) that has "plug in power" at the microphone input jack. Used for recording lectures, business meetings, rehearsals, and musical performances where excellent stereo separation and sound quality are required. Easy to hold or mount to mic stand.
Links: The Sound Professionals "T" mic page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions

The Sound Professionals  "Otter Box" Single Point Stereo microphone

Small: $79; $109 with built-in power module for loud recordings

Large: $89: $119 with built-in power module for loud recordings

6.5" X 3 7/8" X 1 5/8"


7 7/8" X 3 13/16" X 1 1/2"

Description: A single point stereo microphone that is built into a water resistant "Otter Box" Just place MD recorder in box, plug in mic cable and go. Excellent stereo separation. Used for recording lectures, business meetings, rehearsals and musical performances where good stereo separation and sound quality is preferred. Version with power module used for recording of loud sounds.
Links: The Sound Professionals "T" mic page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
Audio Technica AT822  Single Point Stereo Microphone $259
Description: Intended for MD or DAT recording as well as television, FM and field applications. Compact, lightweight design is perfect for camera-mount use. Closely-matched elements provide the spatial impact and realism of a live sound field. Excellent channel separation. Switchable low-frequency roll-off. Includes a 1.7' (0.5 m) cable (XLRF-type to stereo 3.5 mm mini-plug); and a 10' (3 m) cable (XLRF-type to two mono 3.5 mm mini-plugs). Internal battery operation only. 
Links: Audio Technica's AT822 technical data and specifications. The Sound Professionals carry the full line of Audio Technica microphones
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
Audio Technica AT825  Single Point Stereo Microphone $319
Description: Designed for professional broadcast and recording, MD and DAT field use. Compact, lightweight design. Closely matched elements provide the spatial impact and realism of a live sound field. Switchable low frequency roll-off. Operates on battery or phantom power. Includes a 16.5' (5 m) cable (5-pin XLRF to two standard 3-pin XLRM connectors). 
Links: Audio Technica's AT825 technical data and specifications. The Sound Professionals carry the full line of Audio Technica microphones. 
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals  Standard Binaural Microphones 
Deluxe Binaural Microphones 
Premium Binaural Microphones
Shure Premium Binaural Microphones
$59 no clips - $69 w/clips
$119 no clips - $139 w/clips
$199 no clips - $219 w/clips
$149 no clips - $169 w/clips
Description: Small, high quality Binaural (Omni-directional) microphone systems. Premium versions have interchangeable elements available with various pickup patterns.
Links: The Sound Professionals Binaural page; Binaural vs Cardioid FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals  Headphone mounted Binaural Microphones 
Description: Small, high quality Binaural (Omni-directional) microphones mounted in Walkman style headphones.
Links: The Sound Professionals Binaural page; Binaural vs Cardioid FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals  Headphone mounted Cardioid Microphones 
Description: Small, high quality Cardioid microphones mounted in Walkman style headphones.
Links: The Sound Professionals Cardioid page; Binaural vs Cardioid FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals  Micro Binaural Microphones 
Description: Extremely small, high quality Binaural (Omni-directional) microphones.
Links: The Sound Professionals Binaural page; Binaural vs Cardioid FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals 

Standard Omni-directional Lapel Microphone
Micro Omni-directional Lapel Microphone 
Shure Cardioid Lapel Microphone
Audio Technica Cardioid Microphone


Description: Small, high quality Cardioid lapel microphones.
Links: The Sound Professionals Lapel microphone page; Also used in Law Enforcement and Surveillance
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals 

Standard Cardioid Microphones 
Premium Cardioid Microphones 
Slimline Cardioid Microphones
Miniature Shotgun Microphones
Premium Shure Cardioid Microphones
Premium Shure Super-Cardioid Mics

$99 no clips - $119 w/clips
$159 no clips - $179 w/clips
$199 no clips - $219 w/clips
$229 no clips - $249  w/clips
$139 no clips - $159 w/clips
$149 no clips - $169 w/clips

Description: Small, high quality Cardioid and Shotgun microphone systems for live recording in less than ideal situations (noisy audiences, bad acoustics, far from the source, etc.). Premium versions have interchangeable elements available with various pickup patterns.
Links: The Sound Professionals Cardioid page; Binaural vs Cardioid FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals  Universal microphone power supply (mono)
Universal microphone power supply w/level (mono)
Universal microphone power supply 4 channel
Low power computer microphone power supply (mono)


Description: Battery modules (mic power supplies) are needed to power electret type microphones in loud recording situations or when plug-in power is not available and will allow the user to plug their mics into the line input or mic input of a MD, DAT, computer or other device. Some modules also available with a built-in output level control.
Links: The Sound Professionals Battery Module page; Battery Module FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price

The Sound Professionals 

Deluxe Metal Battery Modules
Premium Metal Battery Modules
Slimline Deluxe Metal Battery Modules
Slimline Premium Metal Battery Modules
Mini Deluxe Battery Modules
Mini Premium Battery Modules


Description: Stereo battery modules (mic power supplies) are needed to power electret type microphones in loud recording situations or when plug-in power is not available and will allow the user to plug their mics into the line input or mic input of a MD, DAT, computer or other device. Premium versions include user selectable bass filters to reduce excessive bass content often found in live recordings. Some modules also available with a built-in output level control -- handy for users with Sony portables since recording level cannot be changed during recording in non-AGC mode. (Photo)
Links: The Sound Professionals Battery Module page; Battery Module FAQ
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
    The Sound Professionals Clip-on musical instrument microphone $169.00
Description: Clip-on microphone, suitable for many musical instruments. Mic capsule mounted on a flexible gooseneck that can be positioned in any direction. Based on Audio Technica PRO 35X series microphone. Includes battery pack with volume control/power switch and belt clip. Long life 600 hour battery. Also available with with Audio Technica and Samson wireless systems.
Links: The Sound Professionals specialty mic page

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Spider Microphone-Mono
Spider Microphone-Mono
Reactive Sounds Mono-Omni Directional Microphone
$39.95 with clip, $35.00 without clip 6ft cable
Description: Package Deal: 6' shielded cable, Omni-directional microphone, Foam windscreen
Links: Reactive Sounds website; sample MP3 Spider Mic recording(840k)
  • Electret microphone element

  • Sensitivity: -42 dB (+- 3db)

  • Frequency Response: 20 - 20,000 Hz

  • Signal To Noise Ratio: 58 dB, 1 kHz at 1 Pa
  • Dynamic Range: 90dB
  • Maximum Input Sound Level: 105 dB SPL (120db when used with Reactive Sounds juice box)
  • Stand: Pvc, 6" rod with 6" seperation for a spacial stereo effect.

  • Cable: 6ft twin siamese construction, extremely flexible, lightweight, outer shell soft PVC, sheilded copper spiral wrap outer sheild, insulated 24 awg inner conductors.

  • moulded 1/8' plug, with tough durable outer casing.

  • Windshield:Premium 30 pore per inch, foam.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions

Reactive Sounds Binaural (stereo) Microphone
$59.95 with clips, $55.00 without clips 6ft cable
Description:Package Deal:6' shielded cable, Microphone stand, Left & Right Stereo mic's, Two premium foam windscreens
Links: Reactive Sounds Website; sample MP3 Spider Mic recording(840k)
  • Electret microphone elements

  • Sensitivity: -42 dB (+- 3db)

  • Frequency Response: 20 - 20,000 Hz

  • Signal To Noise Ratio: 58 dB, 1 kHz at 1 Pa
  • Dynamic Range: 90dB
  • Maximum Input Sound Level: 105 dB SPL (120db when used with our juice +box)
  • Stand: Pvc, 6" rod with 6" seperation for a spacial stereo effect.

  • Cable: 6ft twin siamese construction, extremely flexible, lightweight, outer +shell soft PVC, sheilded copper spiral wrap outer sheild, insulated 24 awg +inner conductors.

  • moulded 1/8' plug, with tough durable outer casing.

  • Windshield:Premium 30 pore per inch, foam.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Reactive Sounds MD Pen Microphone $40 irregular, 3' cable
Description: Unit is a ballpoint pen modified to hold an omni-directional microphone element. Intended for personal hands free dictation, memo recording, or as a portable microphone for sound projects. Designed to operate with Minidisc, DAT, and personal dictation recorders that provide plug-in power on the 'mic-in' port. (Can be used with most video cameras as well, but check your unit before purchasing).
Samples: A 30sec mp3 demo recording of the 'pen mic' and a Sharp MS-722 MD.
Links: Reactive Sounds website.
Specs (Electret microphone specifications):
  • Omni directional pick up pattern
  • Sensitivity: -35dB+- 4dB
  • Frequency range: 20-20,000 Hz ("flat")
  • 3ft shielded lightweight mic cable
  • Metal shielded 1/8" plug with durable outer casing.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
the Reporter' Microphone
the Reporter' Microphone
Reactive Sounds the 'Reporter' Microphone $24.95 1.75 inches
Description: This is a miniature hi-fi microphone that can be used with any MD recorder. Can also operate DAT and personal dictation recorders that provide plug-in power on the 'mic-in' port. This unit is ideal for reporters, journalists, students, law enforcement officials and lectures.
Links: Reactive Sounds Website
  • Electret microphone elements

  • Sensitivity: -42 dB (+- 3db)

  • Frequency Response: 20 - 20,000 Hz

  • Signal To Noise Ratio: 58 dB, 1 kHz at 1 Pa
  • Dynamic Range: 90dB
  • Maximum Input Sound Level: 105 dB SPL (120db when used with our juice box)
  • Metal shielded 1/8" plug with durable outer casing

  • Windshield:Premium 30 pore per inch, foam.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Radio Shack Stereo Hands-Free Tie-Clip Electric Mic $29.99
Description: Tiny clip-on dual mic has 30-18,000Hz response and a 4-ft. cord that plugs into a compact on/off switch, also with clothing clip. 16-ft. cord with two 1/8 " plugs at other end. Includes battery (#23-105). Microphone can be plugged directly into an MD unit, bypassing the included amplifier.
Links: Radio Shack has this item available for order from their website.

Microphone Mountings

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
Core Sound Jecklin and Schneider Disks $200-250
Description: These disks are used for making more lifelike stereo recordings by modeling the human head-transfer-function. (Note: the prices appear to have foam in them as well.)
Links: These items are available from Core Sound. Josephson Microphones has an article covering optimum stereo signal recording with the Jecklin Disk.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals Portable microphone stand $39 see below
Description: Portable high quality tripod microphone stand with boom arm-stand extends to 67" and boom is 28" long for a total of about 8 feet in height. Stand is 39" long when folded.
Links: The Sound Professionals microphone stand page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals  Eyeglass Mounted "Croakie" microphone option

+$30 with standard mics

+$40 with premium mics

Description: Small, high quality microphones mounted completely inside a set of Croakies. This mounting option is available on most binaural mics system and on the Premium Slimline microphone systems.
Links: The Sound Professionals Eyeglass mount page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals Binocular mounting system $199
Description: Binocular mounting system is a convenient, hands-free mounting system for our Cardioid and Premium Binaural microphones. Binoculars are worn hung around the neck while recording.
Links: The Sound Professionals Binocular mount page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions


The Sound Professionals Flexible stereo microphone adapter 

With shock mount

$35-$50 (depending on size and model)

add $50 to above price

Description: This microphone adapter consists of a flexible microphone "gooseneck", mounted to a standard microphone adapter (also available with shock mount). Microphones mount on the ends of the goosenecks. Available for Sound Professionals microphones or in universal version for other manufacturer's microphones.
Links: The Sound Professionals "T" mount and mic stand page

Microphone Accessories

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions

Studio 1 Productions XLR-Pro Audio Adapter $219 5.25" x 2.75" x 1.25"
Manufacturers Description: "The XLR-PRO gives you the ability to have XLR audio inputs on your camcorder to connect to professional audio equipment, audio mixers and professional mics. Run long balanced audio lines and get superb noise free audio." Mounts under camcorder, with easy access controls; Rubber pad on top prevents the XLR-PRO from turning or slipping; Has a threaded hole in the bottom of the XLR-PRO so it can mount on your tripod; 2 - locking XLR Audio Inputs; 2 - 1/8" Audio Inputs; Record any combination of the two inputs onto separate audio tracks (using the stereo right and left audio tracks); Custom shielded transformers that cause virtually no insertion loss; Ground Selection Switch; Stereo/Mono Output Switch; Mic/Line Level Switch for each input channel; Voltage Blocking Circuit to handle the "Plug-In Power" Mic Jacks found on some cameras; passive device, no power required; Works with video cameras, DAT recorders and mini-disc recorders.
Links: Studio 1 Productions sells the XLR-Pro.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals Portable microphone preamp $149 1" X 2" X 4" (approx.)
Description: Microphone preamplifier for use with recorders that have no mic input (Sony MZ-R500) or with recorders that have no mic sensitivity switch (many new Sony models)
Links: The Sound Professionals preamp page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Zefiro/Denecke Zefiro/Denecke AD-20 "InBox" high quality mic preamp and A/D converter


$449 with 9vdc "plug-in-power" and miniplug input modification

3 X 5.75 X 1.25
Description: External A/D convertor for DAT deck, MD recorder or digital I/O card. This handheld portable 20 bit Analog to Digital converter has a built in low noise stereo microphone preamplifier. The InBox has stereo balanced inputs on two XLR jacks and digital outputs with both optical (TOSLINK) and coaxial S/PDIF (on a 1/8th inch mini jack). Runs on 9 volt battery for about 8 hours. Modified version accepts mini mics directly without adapters.
Links: The Sound Professionals preamp page
Core Sounds InBox page.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Samson Samson Mixpad 4 $169 3.5" x 2.25" x 1.2"
Description: Ultra-compact 4-channel audio mixer offering professional performance in an exceptionally portable format. Runs on two 9v batteries. 
Links: The Sound Professionals mixers page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Shure Protective vinyl zippered case for microphone/MD/DAT systems $5 4.5" X 9.25"
Description: Protective nylon zippered case for microphone/MD/DAT systems or other small equipment.
Links: The Sound Professionals mic cases page

PC Sound Cards

Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
M audio (Midiman) Delta DiO 24/96 US $240 Out: TOSlink, coax, line (stereo). In: TOSlink, coax. Digital I/O is 24 bit/96kHz full-duplex
Description: Half-size PCI card; analog is configurable as +4dB or -10dB; built-in digital mixer allows the D/A converter to monitor digital inputs or act as its own independent stereo output; measured D/A specs: 101dB (A-weighted) dynamic range; 0.002% THD @ 0dBFS; all data paths support up to 24 bit/96kHz performance. Drivers include: Windows 95/98, Windows NT, ASIO, ASIO2, Direct Sound, EASI, Multi-card 95/98 & Multi-card NT (up to 3 in a system), Gigasampler, Mac Sound Manager and Mac ASIO. Minimum System Requirements for PC: Windows 95, 98 or NT; Pentium 200 MMX; 64 MB of PC100 RAM; UDMA EIDE HDD. Macintosh Compatible Minimum System Requirements for Mac: G4, G3 or G3 accelerator; 128 MB RAM for 96kHz operation; 96 MB RAM for 48kHz operation.
Links: MIDIman's page for this product. MiniDisco sells this card.
Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
Zoltrix Nightingale Optical PCI Sound Card CAN $19 4 speaker line out, 24 bit SPDIF IN/OUT (w/ optical module kit)
Description: Small adapter with 2 digital connectors detaches from top inner corner of card as shipped and mounts in extra port opening found on back of PC case. Internal cable connects digital outputs to the soundcard. Soundcard itself has front and rear stereo analog outs and mic and line in and standard MIDI/joystick port. Soundcard is based on Trident 4DWAVE chip and includes onboard wavetable synth. DirectEverything compatible 3D card.
Links: Zoltrix's page for this product. Calum Tsang submits a review of the Zoltrix sound card.

Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
sbio1.jpg (57877 bytes) Hoontech Digital Bracket II (SB DB II) for SB Live and Live Value $25 2 coax out (main and rear), 1 TOSlink optical out, and 1 coax in.
Description: Internal ribbon cable connects to the SB Live soundcard. There are MIDI in and out that work only with SB Live and not Value and require purchase of an inexpensive cable pair. There is also a 12V power pass-thru for powering an optional external box from internal PC power (e.g. Hoontech 4-channel S/PDIF digital amp or SB ADC box).

Available From: Audience Digital Products Manufacturer Link: Hoontech

Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
sbliveconnection2.jpg (22278 bytes) Hoontech Digital Bracket III (SB DB III) for SB Live and Live Value $36 1 coax , 1 TOSlink optical, and 1 AES/EBU output and 1 coax, 1 TOSlink optical, and 1 AES/EBU input plus two coax for front and rear to S/PDIF Digital Amp
Description: Actually two parts separate to connect to the SB Live or Live Value soundcard. One part goes in slot opening and one part goes in port opening with included screws. Bracket also has digital input from CD digital out.

Available From: Audience Digital Products Manufacturer Link: Hoontech

Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
4dwave-nx.jpg (31706 bytes) Hoontech SoundTrack 4DWAVE-NX soundcard (w/NX DB I digital output interface) $47 1 coax out and 1 TOSlink optical out
Description: Small adapter with 2 digital connectors detaches from top inner corner of card as shipped and mounts in extra port opening found on back of PC case. Internal cable connects digital outputs to the soundcard. Soundcard itself has front and rear stereo analog outs and mic and line in and standard MIDI/joystick port. Soundcard is based on Trident 4DWAVE chip and includes onboard wavetable synth. DirectEverything compatible 3D card.

Available From: Audience Digital Products Manufacturer Link: Hoontech

Picture Maker Model Price Connectors
xgcom.jpg (24152 bytes) Hoontech SoundTrack Digital-XG (w/XG DB I) $74 1 coax , 1 TOSlink optical, and 1 AES/EBU output and 1 coax, 1 TOSlink optical, and 1 AES/EBU input
Description: Internal cable connects XG DB I bracket to the Digital-XG card. Soundcard itself has front and rear stereo analog outs and mic and line in and standard MIDI/joystick port. Also has internal digital CD connector and analog connectors for CD, Internet phone, sound from video, & aux. Soundcard is based on Yamaha YMF744B chip with XG wavegenerator. DirectEverything compatible 3D card.

Available From: Audience Digital Products Manufacturer Link: Hoontech

Sampling Rate Conversion

PC to MD Link Kits

Concerning the problem of Windows sounds being output on USB connected audio interfaces during recording:

In Winamp at least, you can choose the output device it uses: open the Preferences window (Ctrl+P is the quickest way), click on Plugins-> Output, double-click on the waveOut plugin, and choose "USB Audio Device" for output. Then you can go about your business in Windows with the "bings and such" going to your soundcard while Winamp plays to the Xitel DG-x [or whatever USB interface you are using]. Then when you finish your MD recording, change Winamp back to Wave Mapper output. -Richard Rudie
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
CatchSound PC Link USB to TOSLink digital audio output device $140 In: USB
Out: TOSlink (optical digital)
Description: Connects from your PC's USB port to the optical port on your MD recorder. Compatible with Windows 98/2000 and Macintosh computers. Includes Jet-Audio internet music player software and optical cable (TOSlink/miniplug ends).
Links: Machine translated manufacturer's homepage for the CatchSound. Brian comments on using the CatchSound adapter with MD gear. You can purchase the CatchSound from Japan-Direct.
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Griffin iMic USB audio input device $35 In: 1/8" stereo analog (mic, line level)
Out: 1/8" stereo analog
Description: High quality analog audio input to Macs/PCs/laptops. Connects to USB port, full duplex I/O support. Can be ordered direct from the manufacturer.
Links: Griffin's official iMic webpage with further information and reviews. Also see ordering information for the iMic. Tony Kwong gives a brief but useful review of the Griffin iMic being used with a Mac.
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Mironics MiniDisc Suite parallel port to Sony remote jack titler/controller $60 ($40 w/o cable) In: parallel
Out: Sony remote connector
Description: Unit interfaces the personal computer with a portable Sony Minidisc recorder (not compatible with all models, check the Mironics website before ordering). Unit's primary function is high-speed titling of MiniDiscs using your computer's mouse and keyboard, it also serves to assist in PC-to-MD recordings by having recording control of the MD unit. (Audio signal must be transferred by a separate cable.) Software interfaces with Winamp for recording functionality. V2 includes music cataloging capabilites and macros.
Links: Mironics' official website for the MiniDisc Suite, complete with order information and even instructions on how to build your own hardware connector to use with their software.
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Xitel MDPORT-DG2 USB to TOSLink digital audio output device Street $60 In: USB
Out: TOSlink (optical digital)
Description: USB to TOSlink device. Generally compatible with all MD units. Sony includes this unit with their MZ-RxxxDPC portable MD recorders with USB PC Link kits.
Links: Xitel's official page for this unit. (However, Blair Aakre reports that contrary to the Xitel web site, the MDPort-DG2 does work with the latest version of MacOS X, 10.1.2.) This item is available from Minidisco.
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Xitel MDPORT-DG1 USB to TOSLink digital audio output device $100 In: USB
Out: TOSlink (optical digital)
Description: USB to TOSlink device. Not compatible with Sharp or JVC MD units, or the Sony MZ-R3, MZ-R5, MZ-R30, MZ-R37, MZ-R55 units (because the DG1's optical output is turned off when no audio is being output, and the synchronization delay to reaquire the S/PDIF stream causes certain MD units to clip the beginning of the recording). Sony includes this unit with their MZ-RxxxDPC portable MD recorders with USB PC Link kits.
Links: Xitel's official page for this unit. Brian comments on using the Xitel MDPORT-DG1 with MD gear. This item is available from Minidisco and Planet MiniDisc.
Picture Name Desc. Price Connectors Dimensions
Xitel MDPORT-AN1 USB to line level analog audio output device $60 In: USB
Out:1/8" stereo phone jack
Description: USB to analog (audio line level) device (incorporates D/A converter). Sony includes this unit with their MZ-RxxxPC and MZ-RxxPC portable MD recorders w/USB PC link kits.
Links: Xitel's official page for this unit. Brian comments on using the Xitel MDPORT-AN1 with MD gear. This item is available from Minidisco and Planet MiniDisc.

Sony PCLK-MN10
Intro: ?/2000
PC to MD deck USB adapter w/digital audio transportMSRP: JPY15,000IN: USB
OUT: Control-A1, TOSLink (optical digital)
Features: Software/Hardware PC to MD linking kit. Allows PC control of titling, editing and recording of PC audio (digitally, from USB port of PC). PC can be used to control other components (Tuner, CD player, etc) within the HiFi system. Kit includes: Software CD-ROM, USB cable, TOSLink cable, USB to TOSLink/Control-A1 adapter box. Compatible with Sony MXD-D40, MDS-JE470 and MDS-PC3. Kit cannot transfer HiFi audio back to PC. All transfers conducted in realtime.
Manuals: PCLK-MN10 Software manual (PDF). See also scanned pages 1 2 3 from M-Crew manual outlining how to connect the Sony MDS-PC3 to a PC.
Downloads: PC editing software (M-crew1.05E.EXE). USB driver for Windows 2000 and Windows 9x.
Links: Sony US page for the unit. Sony's homepage for M-Crew compatible gear. A Japanese Sony shop's page for the unit. Minidisco sells the PCLK-MN10 and has further info on it.

Intro: ?/2000
PC to MD Deck adapterMSRPIN: RS232 Serial connector
OUT: Control-A1 (1/8th" phone jack)
Features: Software/Hardware PC to Sony MD Deck link kit for PC control of titling and editing. Allows recording from CD to MD if CD is also a Sony Control-A1 device. Hardware includes: (?). Compatible with Control-A1 equipped MD decks.

The PCLK-MD1/MD2 Sony PC link kits are identical hardware and only differ in their software. -Marco Rossen

Manuals: PCLK-MD1.
Software Updates: has an archived collection of all available PCLK-MD1 software versions (also available locally from us). Musique is a third party software package for use with the Sony PCLK-MD1. Musique requires the Sony CAV-50 or CAV-1/2 (RS232/Control-A1 adapter included with the PCLK-MD1). Brian Conte has further details on S-Link and CAV signalling protocols.
Links: Available from Planet Minidisc.

Sharp AD-PCR1PC serial port to Sharp MD-MT831/-MT832 linkMSRP: JPY 8000RS232 Serial, Sharp Remote Connector Plug
Features: Software/Hardware package allows titling (using Kanji, Kana, and Roman alphabet) and basic MD unit control from a PC. Works only with Sharp MD-MT831 and MT-MT832 portables. Software package is in Japanese. Software also allows a library (i.e. database) of MDs to be assembled.
Links: Sharp's Japanese page for the kit. Sharp's Japanese download page for the software.

Sharp AD-PCR2
Intro: 11/2000
PC USB port to Sharp MD-MT77 linkMSRP JPY 18,000USB, Sharp Remote Connector Plug, OUT: Optical
Features: Software/Hardware package allows titling (using Kanji, Kana, and Roman alphabet), digital music downloading, and basic MD unit control from a PC. Works only with Sharp MD-MT77 portable. Software package is in Japanese. Software also allows a library (i.e. database) of MDs to be assembled.
Links: Sharp's

Digital Cable Format Conversion

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Sound Professionals Uni- and bi-direction coax<->optical converter ???
Links: Sound Professionals' Uni- and bi-direction coax<->optical converters page.
Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Audio Authority Coax/Optical Converter ???
Description: Digital Format Translator. Optical to coax, and coax to optical converters available.
Links: Optical->coax and coax->optical converter pages.
Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Digimate SPDIF/optical, optical/SPDIF converter �55
Description: Enables the conversion between coaxial digital S/PDIF (phono/RCA jack) and optical digital (TOSlink) protocol found on most digital audio equipment. The unit may be used to convert in both directions, simultaneously, using a 9volt / 300mA mains adaptor which can be obtained from a local Tandy/Maplin /RS comps store.
Links: Digimate's page for this unit.
Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Core Sound DFT Coax/Optical Converter $95
Description: Digital Format Translator. Accepts RCA (coaxial) or TOS-Link (optical) digital input and provides simultaneous RCA and TOS-Link output. Useful for connecting a CD with coax digital output to an MD recorder with optical input.
Comments: Now available only by special order.
Links: Extensive information and order forms on Len Moskowitz's DFT Page. A user's comparison of the DFT with the Fostex COP-1.
Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Conrad Electronic GMBH Coax/Optical Converter ~70 DM
Description: Available From:
Conrad Electronic GMBH
Klaus-Conrad-strasse 1
92240 Hirschau
Germany, Tel: +49-180-531-21-11
  • Opto-Coax converter: toslink to cinch/spdif order no.:34 07 90-44 price 69.95DM = $38.86
  • Coax-Opto converter: cinch/spdif to toslink order no.:34 08 63-44 price 69.95DM = $38.86

Both come in nice alu-cases, 90mmx66mmx35mm.

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Sound Professionals Digital format converters $35  
Description: Digital Format converters. Different models available to convert optical to coaxial or coaxial to optical. Useful for connecting a CD or sound card with coax digital output to an MD recorder with optical input. 
Links: The Sound Professionals digital format converters page

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Midiman Midiman C02 digital format converter $69 3.5" x 2.25" x 1.2"
Description: Digital Format converter. Accepts RCA (coaxial) or TOSLINK (optical) digital input and provides simultaneous RCA and TOSLINK output. Useful for connecting a CD or sound card with coax digital output to an MD recorder with optical input. 
Links: The Sound Professionals digital format converters page. Core Sound's CO2 page.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Midiman Midiman C03 digital format converter and SCMS management system $199
Description: The CO3 is an AES/EBU, S/PDIF, optical converter that features simultaneous conversion in all directions and an SCMS management system. SCMS (Serial Copy Management System) button sets copy protection: pass-thru, no copy protection, force "original", or force "1st generation." 
Links: The Sound Professionals digital format converters page. Core Sound's CO3 page.

Lens and Head Cleaners

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions

TDK HC1 Head Cleaning Disc $19.25
TDK LC1 Lens Cleaning Disc $16.85
Description: These are inserted in MD equipment to clean the lens and head. A note in the FAQ indicates that some users have reported good results with these discs.
Links: Translated TDK head and lens cleaner disc instructions (courtesy Koji Sato). Cleaner discs are available from Hitmall.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Audiosource MDC-5 Lens Cleaning Disc $30
Description: These are inserted in MD equipment to clean the lens. A note in the FAQ indicates that some users have reported good results with these discs. Cleaner discs are available from:
1327 N. Carolan Ave.
Burlingame, CA 94010


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Raine Inc."Duty Case"Fits W 79.4 x H 17.9 x D 81.1mm Players
Description: Small Handcuff Case which is said to fit the Sharp MD-MT831 quite well. Plus in a bind it can hold both hinged and chain cuffs.
Links: The Case itself, or Raine Inc.

Ikea``Moppe'' Utility storage casesGBP 6-22various
Description: Cheap and cheerful small sets of drawers and boxes. Ready assembled, unfinished beech/spruce plywood. They come in a range of sizes and styles, some obviously sized for cassette or CD. The drawers in the smaller (cassette) sized 'Moppe' are just the right height for MDs on their edge. In the store they suggest various ways the drawers can be painted and finished, including fitting handles.
User Comments: Watch out when shopping in Ikea, it can be addictive. I bought a Moppe when I went in for something else! I got the version with six different sized drawers, and now it is storing all my MD's (40, with plenty of room for more) my leads, microphone, headphones and even my portable when I am not using it! -Alison Clayton
Links: Ikea (has store locator). Moppe page (smallest size drawers shown).

MiniDiscHoldersracks for recorded and pre-recorded MDs$25-$75various
Wooden or black MD racks, holding between 20 and 200 MiniDiscs each.
Links: MiniDiscHolders website.



Sony caseshard and soft versions$35various
MD4CPNM - Hardcover case. Has zipper along the side. Room for MD unit, earbuds, extra battery, and 4-6 blank MDs.
MD4SCPN - Softcover Neoprene case. Room for MD unit, discs, and earbud phones. Warning: This case may be too small for larger MD units.
Links: Minidisco and MiniDisc Now both sell several Sony cases.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
ServiRED Cases Belt-clip cases for portable MD $25 Depends of the model
Description: Made of leather, waterproof and specially made for each model of MD. An MD add on pack is also available that lets you carry 5 discs with you all the time.
Links: ServiRED MD Cases home page. Ian McFarlane makes a review of Servired's leather MD cases.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Peter Link MD Rack $25 11" X 16.75" X 3.5"
Description: Made of unfinished Blue Spruce. Holds maximum of 92 MDs. Order directly from Peter Link (
Links: Peter's information about the rack.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Colorado Sound and Light MD250 Portable MD Suitcase $149 18" X 17" X 5"
Description: Holds 250 MDs (in their jackets), 50 per row, 5 rows wide. Black finish, recessed latches, removable lid. Colorado Sound N' Light, 7301 N. Broadway, Denver, CO 80221, (303) 429-0418, Fax 429-1242, or email Jim Baxter Major credit cards accepted. Customer support: 1 888 429-0418.
User comments:Very durable construction, idea for mobile use (DJing, etc). Unique MD holding system uses the standard MD jackets placed upside down in rows with an insert that raises the MD from the jacket so that it may be easily grasped. Heavy and a bit expensive, but recommended. -eaw

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Silicon Sports MD (floppy) Carrying Case $19-$25
User's description: These are made for floppy 3.5" discs but MDs fit in them nicely. Made of a durable squishy neoprene with a hefty zipper and a pull string suitable as a carrying handle, they come in black/black black/blue and black/purple and in two sizes: the Floppy Wetsuit 10 (for 10 floppies) that will comfortably hold 6 MDs in their protective cases, and the Floppy Wetsuit 30 that holds 15 MDs. The 10's can be purchased at Office Depot and are about US$19, the 30's were special ordered from a specialty stationary store for US$25. -Ebert (
Manufacturer: Silicon Sports, 127 Independence Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA. Phone # 415-327-7900. Fax # 415-327-7962.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Case Logic DK40 diskette (floppy) organizer
User's description: Meant to hold 40 3.5" floppy disks, but will do just as well with MD's if you get rid of their plastic jackets (otherwise you can't put 40 MD's in the case and still zipper it shut). It also comes in 10 and 20 disk capacity sizes.
Available from:Colorado Sound N' Light, 7301 N. Broadway, Denver, CO 80221, (303) 429-0418, Fax 429-1242, or email Jim Baxter

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Ferrero Rocher Chocolates ~$3.50
Description: Italian chocolate in a plastic box which holds 27 MDs without their cover or 8 with covers and 11 without.
Links: Martin Borus' information about this case.
Comments: Following the article about the German fellow using Ferrero Rochers' boxes as MD cases, I noticed that the 375g boxes (30 Rochers) sold by Ferrero in France are the ideal solution to store 20 MDs with their cases. -Xav

I noticed in the supermarket the other day that they have changed to design of these chocolate boxes that make good MD cases. They have rounded off all the edges and corners, so now square MDs will not fit as well as before. The chocolates still taste okay though! Alison Clayton

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
Woodworks DJ Cases and Racks ( Mini Disc (Floppy) Carrying Case $70 - $100 Variable
Description: Our Mini Disc Cases are available in 3 sizes: MDC-120 & MDC-160 (4 Row) and the MDC-200 (5 Row). They feature a fully foam lined lid to keep mini discs in place.
Manufacturer: Woodworks DJ Cases and Racks, 35 Humphrey Road, Buffalo, NY 14207 - Visit our website today at or Toll Free 1-888-DJCASES (352-2737).
User Comments:On request, they furnished a 5 row case (at the standard price) with custom divider spacings for holding MDs without their sleeves. Such a case will hold ~72MDs per row, or ~360MDs total. -eaw


Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
PressIT MD Printer Labels GBP 7.10
Description: PRESSIT, the company that makes the CD labels and applicator, now also manufacturer labels for ZIP, JAZ, VHS, Audio Cassette, 3.5" Floppy & MINIDISC. There are two types of label packs available for each format:

MiniDisc Labels (180) White
MiniDisc Labels (60) Re-Writeable White (includes Red marker, Black marker, and eraser pen)

Links: PressIT's website. PressIT labels can be purchased from Transco (UK).

Neato MiniDisc LabelsMD Printer Labels24 for $9.95
100 for $29.95
Features: Use MediaFACE software to design your MiniDisc labels (the software is freely available). Use the Neato special printing sheets to print your labels, and then simply stick the labels onto your discs.
Links: Neato's ordering page for this item.
Specs: Compatible with most inkjet/laser printers. Each set consists of three pressure-sensitive labels: one MiniDisc label plus one sleeve face label plus one sleeve edge label.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Canford Audio MD Printer Labels GBP 13.38
Description: Die-cut labels supplied on sheets for use in laser printers (not recommended for inkjet printers), or, specifically for inkjet printers. Supplied in packs of 25 sheets, 16 labels per sheet. 52-021 Laser labels (pack of 25 sheets) GBP13.38 52-022 Inkjet labels (pack of 25 sheets) GBP13.38 Both prices exclude shipping (and also VAT within the UK). Available from Canford Audio, Washington, Tyne & Wear, England. UK sales: 0191 415 0525, Export sales: +44 191 415 0044


Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Core Sound/The Sound Professionals/MCM Electronics TOS Link optical cable $10, $20 1 meter, 5 meters
Description: Optical fiber cable with TOS Link connectors at both ends. Available from Core Sound, The Sound Professionals, and MCM Electronics (1-800-543-4330).
Links: Core Sound's TOS link and optical miniplug cable page. The Sound Professionals' accessories page.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Sony/Core Sound/The Sound Professionals Optical Cable
Description: Digital optical audio cables have two connector types: the small, squarish "TOS-link" connector (see TOS-link entry above) and the optical miniplug (shown left). The optical mini-plug has the same connector dimensions as a normal (electrical) mini-plug. You can buy optical cables with any combination of these two [male] connectors at the ends. Optical cables are usually limited to maximum lengths of 10 to 15 meters. The Sony part numbers for the 1.5 meter optical cables are as follows: TOS-link/TOS-link: POC-15HG or POC-15A or POC-15SP, TOS-link/miniplug: POC151HG or POC-MZ1 or POC-15AB, miniplug/miniplug: POC152HG or POC-MZ2 or POC-15B. These cables can be ordered from Sony Parts at: Sony Electronics Inc., National Parts Center, 8281 N.W. 107th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64153, phone: 800-488-7669 (parts), 816-891-7550 ext 33 (publications/manuals). Also vailable from MCM Electronics (1-800-543-4330), Core Sound and The Sound Professionals.
Links: Core Sound's TOS link and optical miniplug cable page. The Sound Professionals' accessories page.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals High Quality stereo extension cable $19 6 feet
Description: Custom manufactured high quality stereo extension cable with gold plated mini plug and jack. Also available male to male or with right angle plug on one end and in custom lengths.
Links: The Sound Professionals extension cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions

The Sound Professionals

Various professional quality adapter cables (XLR, Phone to mini, etc.)

$15 to $25


Description: Custom manufactured professional adapter cables. Custom orders welcomed at regular prices.
Links: The Sound Professionals adapter cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions

The Sound Professionals

Stereo adapter cable

High Quality stereo adapter cable



3 feet

6 feet

Description: Custom manufactured high quality stereo adapter cable connects MD output to stereo, CD player, etc.
Links: The Sound Professionals adapter cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals Digital Coaxial Cables


1 Meter ($6 each additional meter)
Description: Digital cables available with RCA and mini phone plugs.
Links: The Sound Professionals digital coaxial cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions


The Sound Professionals Premium heavy duty TOSLINK cables $13 to $43 1,2,3,4,5,10 and 15 meter sizes
Description: Premium, extra flexible heavy duty TOSLINK optical cables used to connect digital equipment together.
Links: The Sound Professionals optical cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals TOSLINK to MINIPLUG optical cable 

MINIPLUG to MINIPLUG optical cable



1 meter
Description: High quality optical cable used to connect digital equipment together.
Links: The Sound Professionals optical cables page

Cable Adapters

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
? Sony XA-107 Unilink Adapter $100 ?
Description: Auxiliary input adapter for Unilink car stereos, allowing perfect connection of MD portables to a Sony car stereo.
Links: Sony's official page for this adapter.
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
The Sound Professionals Sony micro plug headphone adapter $13 4"
Description: Stereo headphone adapter -1/8" female inline jack to micro male plug - connects standard headphones to remote controls on some earlier Sony MD units.
Links: The Sound Professionals adapter cables page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  The Sound Professionals Headphone/microphone extension cable $10 8"
Description: Headphone/microphone extension cable (connector saver) -plugs into headphone or microphone jack of portable recorder to save wear on recorder's delicate jacks - right angle stereo mini plug to straight stereo gold plated mini jack.
Links: The Sound Professionals extension cables page

Fiber Optic Hardware

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Sound Professionals Optical cable repeater/booster $35  
Description: Toslink cable repeater/booster. Used to extend Toslink cables over very long runs without signal loss.
Links: The Sound Professionals fiber optic hardware page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Sound Professionals Toslink optical selector (active) $109  
Description: Toslink cable remote switcher/booster. Allows switching between multiple fiber optical inputs and outputs from across the room. Active circuitry boost digital signal for long cable runs.
Links: The Sound Professionals fiber optic hardware page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Sound Professionals Toslink optical selector (passive) $35  
Description: Toslink cable switcher. Allows switching between multiple fiber optical inputs and outputs.
Links: The Sound Professionals fiber optic hardware page


Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Sony SRS-T1 Portable Speaker $60 143 x 107 x 33mm
Description: Small, portable speaker unit. One main 3" woofer, two smaller fold-out tweeters. Battery life of 15-30 hours on 4 AAs.
Links: Sony's official page for this unit. Tim Corcoran submits a review of this unit; he considers them a vital part of his MD travel kit.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Koss Porta Pro Jr. Headphones $40 3.5"x2.5"
Description: Koss Porta Pro Jr. phones look like full-size foam earpad phones but cleverly fold up into a 3.5 x 2.5" bundle. They develop strong bass and have an spl around 105dB (compared to 90-96dB for most headphones).
Links: HeadRoom sells this unit.

Headphone Amps

Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  The Sound Professionals "Headbanger" headphone booster/amplifier $99 2" X 4" X 1"
Description: Commercial version of the "Laff's Headbanger" headphone amplifier as seen on the Mini Disc Community pages. High output/low noise/wide frequency response/long battery life. Premium model includes output level control for use with line outputs or headphone outputs.
Links: The Sound Professionals headphone amp page
Picture Maker Description Price Dimensions
  Boosteroo "Boosteroo" headphone booster/amplifier $17  
Description: Small headphone amplifier. Allows use of 3 set of headphones at one time.
Links: The Sound Professionals headphone amp page

Rack Mount Kits

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Colorado Sound and Light Rack Mount Ears $30/pair
Description: Rack Mount kit for Sony MDS-JE500, allows unit to be mounted in commercial equipment racks. The side screws of the JE500 are removed and the ears mount with new screws provided. Same ear fits left or right sides because of dual mounting points per ear. Color: Black. Available from Colorado Sound N' Light, 7301 N. Broadway, Denver, CO 80221, (303) 429-0418, Fax 429-1242, or email Jim Baxter
Note:For attaching the ears to the unit, CSL provides #8 self-tapping black anodizied screws for greater strength. The proper size machine screws can be found in a good local hardware store but CSL does not express any warranty as to the fitness of a machine screw for supporting the load of the machine in a rack mount configuration.

Cassette Adapters

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Recoton Cassette Adapter Street $17
Description: A cassette adapter that allows use of MD players, CD players etc. in car stereos that only have cassette capability.
User comments: There are frequently problems with the use of cassette-with-a-headphone-jack type adapters in newer Chrysler, GM, and Ford automobiles. The reason for this is that car stereo manufacturers are beginning to use smaller heads in their cassette decks. These smaller heads do make proper contact with most of the aforementioned cassette adapters - even Sony's does not work properly. Finally, at Best Buy I found a brand called Recoton and it advertises that it ``Works with all stereos, 100% garaunteed.'' It was cheaper than Sony's, in less fancy packaging, but it worked great for me.

Professional Use Housings

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions Weight
Onyx MobiDisc ?? ?? ??
Description: "Featuring a mono XLR balanced mic/line input with 48V phantom power, the MobiDisc also offers a mono XLR balanced line output, a built-in monitor loudspeaker and a 1/4-inch jack headphone socket. The front panel is easy to use and includes control switches for power, I/0 selection, high-pass filter (150Hz - 12dB/oct.) and LS on/off. A recording level control with LED PPM, LED indicators to monitor the charging and condition of the internal battery and a monitor volume control are also located on the front panel. In spite of the use of a stereo MiniDisc Walkman, the MobiDisc is a fully mono system. The input signal is recorded on both (L+R) channels of the MiniDisc. Output (line out, LED level meter, headphones and loudspeaker) is the summed signal of both (L+R) channels of the MiniDisc. The MobiDisc is powered by an internal Ni-MH rechargeable battery, which provide three to four hours of working time. The battery can be recharged in four hours by the internal intelligent charging circuit."
Links: Onyx has a page for this unit.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions Weight

(interior photo)

Marenius ProMD1 ? 246x44x166 mm 3Kg
Description: Adapter unit, compatible with Sony MZ-R30, MZ-R55, or equivalent. Includes two low-noise microphone amplifiers, PPM meters, lead-acid battery, monitor speaker, headphones amplifier. Housed in all-metal case for external electromagnetic noise shielding.
Links: Marenius has an English page for this unit. they have designed (and its insides), it is available from Marenius in Sweden (price?).

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions  Weight
ASC MD-Report! GBP295 (GBP445 w/MZ-R35 fitted) 215x146x73mm  2.6kg with battery and MZ-R35 fitted
Description: The ASC MD-Report!, made by ASC in the U.K. takes the standard Sony MZ-R3/R30/R50 or Denon DMP-R70 and puts it in a strong steel chassis with professional XLR input/output connectors, a large rechargeable battery, mains adapter, and a built-in 'confidence' monitor amp and speaker. The whole unit is enclosed in a soft nylon case with shoulder strap and a zip pocket for mics, leads etc. Canford Audio are a stockist with an established export sales office: telephone +44 191 415 0044 or fax +44 191 416 0392. For ASC telephone +44 118 981 1000 or fax +44 118 981 9813.
Links: A reprinted Pro Audio Review article praises the MD-Report. This unit can be purchased from PASS.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions  Weight
PMI Audio MD Report Junior ? ? ?
Description: Stereo Balanced Inputs on Neutrik XLR Connectors, Inputs Mic/Line Switchable, 48 V AB Phantom Power, Stereo Line Output on 3.5MM Jack Socket, Powerful Headphone Amplifier with Level Control, Headphone Output on 1/4" Jack Socket, Monitoring Switchable Between Source (Input) and MD (Tape), Mono Switch Feeds Single Input to Both Tracks of Recorder, Operates for Hours on 2 x 9V Batteries, Battery Low Warning LED, Lightweight Aluminium Chassis, Rugged Padded Soft Nylon Carrying Case (fanny pak) with Detachable Zipped Pouch for Accessories, Suitable for Use with DENON DMP-R70, Sony MZ-R3/30/35/50/55, TCD-D7/D8, PCM-M1, Sharp MDMS200H.
Links: PMI Audio's page for this unit. This unit can be purchased from PASS.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions Weight
PASS Limited (UK) MD-Report! GBP 269
GBP 403 with MZ-R37/MD-MT16E fitted
250x150x42mm 2.5Kg with recorder & battery fitted
Description: Made in the UK, the PASS MD-Report! is the original Professional MD Conversion Kit. The strong steel chassis houses and protects the MD or DAT recorder, whilst the fitted soft, padded, nylon carrying case with strong shoulder strap and large zipped accessory pocket, offers good overall protection against the elements. Now in MKIV version, the PASS MD-Report! Provides XLR Mic/Line Inputs, 48v Phantom Power, Mono XLR Output, Stereo Output, Powerful Headphone Amplifier on 1/4" Jack and built-in monitor speaker. Powering options are: Rechargeable Battery, 4 x 'D' Cell or AC mains via supplied adapter. The PASS MD-Report! is suitable for use with Sony MZ-R3/30/35/37/55, Sharp MDMS200H/ MDMT16/20, Denon DMP-R70 etc. and can be supplied as a Kit comprising Chassis, Soft case, Battery & PSU/Charger or Package fitted with Sony MZ-R37 or Sharp MD-MT16E for or Bundled with Beyer MCE58 or Audio Technica AT804 reporter's mic, cable and blank disc. For Worldwide Sales Contact PASS Limited - Tel: +44 (0)116 269 3767, Fax: +44 (0)116 269 3769, or click below and go to the PASS Home Page.
Links: The PASS Home Page. A reprinted Pro Audio Review article praises the MD-Report. Tim Wilkinson explains the reason several companies sell something called the "MD-Report!" This unit can be purchased from PASS.


SCMS Fiddling

Behringer Ultramatch SRC2000
Intro: 2000
digital sample rate/format converterUS$140IN: XLR, RCA, optical
OUT: XLR, RCA, optical
Features: Accepts sampling frequencies from 25 kHz to 60 kHz, Selectable input (XLR, RCA, optical), Converts into output frequencies 44.1 kHz or 32 kHz, The output signal format can be specified -- no incompatibilities, All outputs (XLR, RCA, optical) are concurrently active (splitter, signal distribution), Enables manipulation of Emphasis and copy prohibit bits, Transformer balanced In-/ Outputs, No ground loops even through RCA (coaxial) inputs, Reliable operation even on week input signals (as found when using damaged cables), Removes Jitter and corrects detuned or wrong Sample Rates, Can be used to change incorrect Emphasis coding, Removes copy prohibit bit, Self configuring digital Anti-Aliasing filter, THD under 0.001%, Noise below -95 dBFS, Universal external synchronization via separate Wordclock input, Extremely fast tracking allows even for Varispeed applications, Automatically resynchronizes varying sample rates, Master units (CD-Player, DAT) can be used in slave mode, Corrects unformatted passages on DAT and other media, Manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system,

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
TechnoLab Digicon2 SCMS Stripper $190, $350
Description: Note: Technolab products have been discontinued due to legal action. Connected between a digital source and target, it resets the copy protection bits to 00 (unrestricted copying). Handles 32 to 48 kHz input and converts between coax and optical i/o. Note that this unit strips out the CD track markers too, you'll need the $350 version to retain them.

Picture Maker Desc. Price Dimensions
Hucht Elektroniklabor, Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CE SCMS Stripper DM598, DM298, DM198
Description: A reader comments: If you want to make digital copies between two MD or DAT decks, you can eliminate the SCMS by using an "Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CE" from Hucht Elektroniklabor in Berlin. It costs DM 598 and has two inputs (one Toslink/optical and one coax/RCA) and two outputs (one Toslink/optical and one coax/RCA) plus AES/EBU in and out. Needs external power supply. Error flag LED on front, emulates DAT/MD start id's, CD, MD and DAT start id's will pass through.

If you want, they can even build in your MD or DAT deck an anti-SCMS system. This costs DM 298. You need however to send in your deck so they can build it in. I have one built in my Sony DAT DTC-2000ES and it also works perfectly and tranparently.

They also have a kit for you to build in yourself this anti-SCMS system. The kit just needs 5V - 80mA from your deck. This costs DM 198. The advantage is if you live out of Europe you don't have to send in your deck. You do have to build it in yourself though.

Also available is the Hucht Copy Processor MK 3: Kills scms 100%, Optical+Coax in, Opt.+Coax out, can be used as coax-opto-coax converter too. Error flag led on front, up to 24 audio bits. CD, MD and DAT start id's will pass through. Has internal 220V transformer. Price 400DM = $222

I highly recommend these. They are sold by:

BR Elektronik
Gotenstrasse 20
10829 Berlin
Tel/fax: + 49 30 781 44 07

Tonstudiobedarf Heinz Bluthard
Neue Bruecke 6
70173 Stuttgart
Germany, Tel: +49 711 29 76 90

Tonstudiotechnik Thomas Funk
Pfuelstrasse 1
10997 Berlin
Germany, Tel: +49 30 611 51 23

-Philippe Charlier, Loerrach, Germany ( and Dirk (
