Sound Blaster Live! Value Digital MD Connection
Connecting your portable MD Recorder to a new CD player via
optical will result in the best possible connection, but many of us do not have
a new CD player and must use analog. Yet, if you have a free PCI slot, you
can get a Sound Blaster Live! Value for under 80 bucks at and then you can record
not only Digital CD but MP3's and any other form of sound from your computer via
an optical connection. I have listed the steps to setting up an optical
connection below:
- Go out and buy a Sound Blaster Live! Value and install it in
a free PCI slot. Be sure to use digital connections from CD-Roms if
possible...Most drives have digital pin connections, my DVD rom and 32x
Panasonic CD-Rom both do.
- Look at page 1-2 "Knowing and Installing Your
Card." Look at the bottom right where there should be a "12-pin
SPDIF EXT connector pin assignments" The pins you will be needing are pin
1(9,11,12 also serve the same purpose, depending on your board revision and
setup, you may have to use one of these not pin 1) the SPDIF Out signal, Pin 2
GND (5 and 10 are the same thing), and Pin 4 VCC.
- Get part Sharp GP1F32T (part num.#8-749-012-69) ...this goes
for about 20 bucks...if you want to be safe...connect the VCC to a red
power line in your computer and the GND to a black power line in your computer
on the GP1F32T I want to warn everyone
extremely careful making connections, Today 2/14/99, I fried my SB Live because
when I was reconnecting my GP1F32T, I touched pin 1 and is now
useless...BE CAREFUL!! Also...I said before a GP1F38T would will
not work in any way.
- Connect cables as follows (small gauge shielded wire is best,
but other types will work..I guess?):
- You're done! Fire up your computer hook up a toslink cable to your
MD Recorder put it into Digital should see "Din Unlock" on
the the same time you should he sound come though your MD
Recorder. If not, check your connections and try again. ( I take no
responsibility for any problems you may have...If you break your MD recorder
your SB Live! Value (which I did)..or your whole computer for that matter
it is your problem...this is experimental stuff..and I will take no
Where to Find Parts:
Alfons Smeets informed me that you can buy an Optical I/O board from
and save yourself the trouble of buying harder to find parts or possibly
breaking something by I clumsily did...
- Sound Blaster Live! Value from just type "Sound
Blaster Live! Value" in the search window and click search.
- Toslink converter part GP1F32T from ... I am still looking for a reliable
- Toslink cable for your md recorder...for the MD-MS702 it can be purchased
-John Balint
p.s. Note to John Balint: I retrieved this from someone who saved it
before your page went off the air, if you want to take over hosting it,
just let me know. -eaw, Dec 99.