M audio (Midiman) Mac/PC Sound Cards

M audio (Midiman) Delta DiO 24/96

M audio (Midiman) Delta DiO 24/96US $240
Out: TOSlink, coax, line (stereo). In: TOSlink, coax. Digital I/O is 24 bit/96kHz full-duplex

Description: Half-size PCI card; analog is configurable as +4dB or -10dB; built-in digital mixer allows the D/A converter to monitor digital inputs or act as its own independent stereo output; measured D/A specs: 101dB (A-weighted) dynamic range; 0.002% THD @ 0dBFS; all data paths support up to 24 bit/96kHz performance. Drivers include: Windows 95/98, Windows NT, ASIO, ASIO2, Direct Sound, EASI, Multi-card 95/98 & Multi-card NT (up to 3 in a system), Gigasampler, Mac Sound Manager and Mac ASIO. Minimum System Requirements for PC: Windows 95, 98 or NT; Pentium 200 MMX; 64 MB Minimum System Requirements for Mac: G4, G3 or G3 accelerator; 128 MB RAM for 96kHz operation; 96 MB RAM for 48kHz operation.

Links: MIDIman's page for this product. MiniDisco sells this card.


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