Rack Mount Kits

Colorado Sound and Light Rack Mount EarsRack Mount Ears$30/pair

Description: Rack Mount kit for Sony MDS-JE500, allows unit to be mounted in commercial equipment racks. The side screws of the JE500 are removed and the ears mount with new screws provided. Same ear fits left or right sides because of dual mounting points per ear. Color: Black. Available from Colorado Sound N' Light, 7301 N. Broadway, Denver, CO 80221, (303) 429-0418, Fax 429-1242, or email Jim Baxter [email protected]

Note: For attaching the ears to the unit, CSL provides #8 self-tapping black anodizied screws for greater strength. The proper size machine screws can be found in a good local hardware store but CSL does not express any warranty as to the fitness of a machine screw for supporting the load of the machine in a rack mount configuration.


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