Retry Cause Display Mode

Found by Dirk (

Machine Status

After using Super Undo mode on a modern Sony deck, the unit is now in Retry Cause Display Mode, this means that if you press the display button when you're recording once again you can see the: The display reads:
SC @@ Rt ## **
All three displays above are in hex. numbers!

Track Status

David Tamkin adds:

On Sony decks (the 520 for sure, I believe also the JE and JB units numbered 530 and higher), in Retry Cause Display Mode, while the unit is playing or paused during play, the high nybble of the status byte includes the SCMS status of the current segment:

0 premastered, penultimate
8 recordable, penultimate
A recordable, final
E recordable, unlimited

Petr Simanek adds:

During PLAY or PLAY PAUSE the display shows:

NN stands for the fragment number (hexadecimal) You can find the edit points, because NN changes inside the track at that point, where you made an edit (COMBINE or A-B ERASE), or where the deck continued recording to another part of free disc space.

User manual says, that you can record up to 255 tracks, but I think, that you can create only up to 255 fragments. Number of fragments is usually greater than number of tracks due to disc fragmentation.

CCCSS (cluster-sector) stands for the current playing disc area address /hexadecimal/ (on buffer memory output - the laser beam reading goes actually up to 11 seconds earlier) On Sony home decks, when you press REC, the new recording always begins on a new cluster (SS=00), by auto track marking or afterward track division may the SS be other than 00

XSCMS status and other flags:
bit 1 Always 0 for normal audio tracks
bit 2 Digital copy (analog original when clear)
bit 3 No copyright (copyrighted material when clear)
bit 4 Write enabled (write protected when clear)
SCMS status is defined for each fragment - you cannot create an SCMS allowed track by combining one allowed and one (or more) prohibited tracks

Y Track mode (mono/stereo) and other flags:
bit 0 Pre-emphasis off
bit 1 Monoaural
bit 2,3 Always 1,0 for normal audio tracks

For more info about this see the JE520 Service Manual, pages 9 and 10.

After hitting STOP and rotating the AMS knob the display shows the following info for each track:

YYMMDD stands for date of recording, if any, or 000000 for recording without date & time stamp or for premastered discs. On 520, 530 and 730 if you press the "D" key on remote, the display shows recorded date & time stamp too.
TTTT I don't know the exact meaning of this display, but it depends on the type of recording machine You can check on which machine the track was recorded. I found the following codes:
0126 Sony MZ-R30
0127 Sony MZ-R50
0143 unknown machine
0144 Sony MDS-JE303
0146 both Sony MDS-JE500 and JE510
0147 Sony MDS-B5 professional deck
014A Sony MDS-JE520
014D Sony MDS-JB920, JB730, JE330, JE530
0154 Sony MDS-JE640 noted by Martyn Lycett
0000 premastered disc
These are the recorder "signature" codes, as discovered by Wolfgang Buresch and shown on his MiniDisc Secrets page. There is a unique number for every MD recorder. -eaw

Exiting Retry Cause Display Mode

To exit, press the power button of your recorder.

More details about Retry Cause Display Mode can be found in supplement 1 of the MDS-JE500 service manual, Part # 9-960-726-81.

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