Writing an Equipment Review

Eric Woudenberg

Many people have provided reviews of MiniDisc equipment for these pages, and I am always grateful to have their contributions. Sometimes however the articles need a bit of revision after they are written, and I have come to feel that a little early guidance would result in a better overall article. In this spirit I offer some ideas for reviewers to bear in mind, arranged loosely in order of importance.

Addressing these questions can help you create a good strong review that will serve others in their decisions about which machines to buy. Note that I am not necessarily asking for a fixed reporting style that tackles each question in order, but rather that in the course of writing your review you try and provide answers to these questions.

And as you may imagine, I am especially happy to receive material with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, and formatted as an HTML document (there being leniency of course for those who don't speak English or HTML fluently). Thanks in advance for your contributions! If you feel I've overlooked an aspect of making a review in my suggestions, please let me know (webmaster@minidisc.org).

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