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The ATRAC3plus PR secretariat opened the result of the subjectivity evaluation experiment concerning audio compression codec gATRAC3plus" of Sony to the public on the 21st. The experiment compared other audio compression codec and ATRAC3plus to verify the quality of ATRAC3plus, and was evaluated by evaluation person's subjectivity. The tone quality of ATRAC3plus assumes the tone quality of ATRAC3plus of other audio codecs of 128kbps (two kinds of the MP3 faction) and 64kbps to have been evaluated that it is almost equal well by this experiment in the same bit rate.
The person for the investigation was done dividing into three groups of 11 university students and 12 members of society in his twenties and 10 music parties concerned. Both university students and members of society target "[It] listens to music during the week for four days or more as own house and a portable player, and there is sticking to about the music reproduction tone quality" user. Moreover, music parties concerned get the expert of those who compose and the recording engineer, etc. included. The experiment is done in February, and records the speech besides five high ranks of the charts and ten total of the musical instrument sound etc. with each codec. What recorded to CD-R was done by using 5CD (*chenja*) of this company, gRCD-W50C", and headphone gMDR-CD3000". ATRAC3plus is an audio codec which raises the rate of the more compression compared with past ATRAC3. [It] is adopted for network Walkman etc. gNW-MS70D" of this company, and the high pitched sound quality making by the low bit rate such as 48/64kbps is aimed at. - Home page of Sony (April 21, 2003) [ AV Watch edit part/[email protected]]