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Portable Net MD recorder which omitted strategy commodity recording function of newborn Aiwa
"Sony AM-NX1"
The sale day:a standard price on March 20:an open price real sale price case:About 30,000 yen (excluding tax)

- The first bounce of newborn Aiwa

"Aiwa" product without movement which stands out before and after absorption amalgamation by Sony in December, 2002. However, a new logo mark and the management system are announced in January, and the location in the world strategy of Sony clarifies. The product has been turned on considerably positively.

Charge Cradle and the USB cable, etc. are attached.

Portable MD recorder “AM-NX1" for Net MD taken up at this time is the product which becomes the first announcement bounce. *** MD has changed for a moment this “AM-NX1". Because, [it] does not have the recorder function in the main body, and, in a word, only Net MD is limited to down-loading from the personal computer. In a word, with PC, MD can be made with this one even without the MD component etc. separately by the Net MD function, and [it] reproduce though the function of the voice recording etc. through the microphone input is not possessed.

As a portable type, first time though in the same kind of product, type Net MD of leaving untouched recorder “DM-1NET" of Kenwood is. A usual recording function might be indispensable to the person with high frequency of the recording with the recording unit of the voice recorder and the conference. However, there is no necessity for separately arranging the MD deck and the MD component as long as there are this machine and PC when thinking the sound source such as CD to be an audio product to carry about by making it to MD.

- The main body is simple of having saved the operation button.

As for the body color, three models (silver, the orange, and the black) are prepared. I borrowed the orange from Sony this time.

The impression when the main body is seen first is the one "For a moment greatly". Weight : the size of the main body by about 85g(Only the main body :) by 80.3×17.9×74.2mm(width × interior taking × height) leaving aside player MD “MZ-E10" only for the reproduction of "Minimum in the world" of Sony.; *** It feels compared with the first <generation> machine “MZ-N1" of the MD recorder for Net MD greatly.; “MZ-N1" and eaual (MZ-N1 is almost about 79.1×19.9×73.8mm the size) Though 筈(unknown word); *** It feels for a moment as an impression probably because of <Square> デ(unknown word) Zain greatly.;

“MZ-E10", “AM-NX1", and “MZ-N1" from the left Thickness comparisons of three models. “MZ-N1", “AM-NX1", and “MZ-E10" from on

There is especially no operation button except providing with the opening and shutting button for putting the disk in and out, and all basic operations will be done by remote control. Not the form of a cylinder seen well with portable audio of Sony though the remote control of the attachment is a stick type but the squarish design. However, it is almost common concerning operativeness with the one of Sony including an upper volume switch. There might not be what to it is bewildered in case of the user of the portable machine made by Sony.

Personally, I feel the main body with only the terminal USB, the opening and shutting button, and headphone (control) terminal express the characteristic of this machine well (*O) though I think the stop/the reproduction, the tune sending/the return, and holding for you should be able to do with the main body.

Only the opening and shutting button : the operation button. Bottom
PC and [it] cooperates according to the terminal USB. The chewing gum type charge pond has been adopted.

*** PC and [it] cooperates <-> use of SonicStage.

SonicStage Ver.1.5

The audio data can be forwarded by way of USB by cooperate with PC using audio integrated software “SonicStage Ver.1.5" on the PC side.

SonicStage is utility which becomes familiar in PC/portable audio product of Sony. The library can manage by acquiring the name of a song only in the place where CD is put, and converting it into ATRAC3. It is possible to forward it to “AM-NX1" easily only to operate it along the wizard. The transfer rate is quite high-speed at about 40 seconds of three minutes an album (LP2 mode/62.1MB). Especially, there is no stress and it is likely to be able to use it.

In SonicStage Ver.1.5, the file making with ATRAC3plus besides ATRAC3 which is the standard audio of Net MD format is also possible. However, the AM-NX1 side does not correspond to ATRAC3plus. When the ATRAC3plus file was forwarded by way of experiment, [it] was converted into ATRAC3 on SonicStage, and the ATRAC3 file was forwarded to AM-NX1 afterwards.

[It] was converted on SonicStage when the ATRAC3plus file was forwarded and [it] was forwarded.

Cradle only becomes for the charge, and when Net MD is forwarded, it is necessary to connect anxious with USB separately. I was surprised for a moment to have the conviction that Cradle mostly had the charge function and the USB connection function in portable Net MD equipment.

- The use feeling and tone quality are excellent.

Unpleasant phon of attachment

It is not bad when hearing it though an inner unpleasant phon of the attachment is a cheap impression for a moment. They are impressions in the one of “AM-NX1" by about two ranks above though an unpleasant phon of the quality "It is possible only to listen to music tentatively" is attached to a low-priced portable machine. However, if the user has the headphone which I have, you will change because no particularly high-quality one.

The reproduction quality is expected by having adopted “TYPE-S" installed in full size MD recorder “MDS-JE780" etc. in DSP for ATRAC. The tone quality actually heard was in an inside region the thickness, and was able often to reproduce the balance. The expansion of a high region and 解像力(unknown word) were good quite impressions because of a calm sound though did not reach “MZ-E10" where a digital amplifier had been adopted.

Remote control corresponds to a Japanese display.

リモコンは、液晶下に停止ボタン、再生/一時停止ボタンや、曲送り/戻しボタン、グループ送り/戻りボタンを装備し、基本操作が可能。There is no place in which it is especially anxious besides though [it] tries sometimes to do the tune sending, [it] skips to another group until the tune sending button and the group button become accustomed because of this size occasionally.

Moreover, the upper part of the main body is equipped with the holding switch, [SOUND], [DISPLAY], and the [P MODE] button, and a detailed tone quality setting and the (*bahcharusaraund*) setting, etc. can be done. Remote control can be displayed by two lines corresponding to the Japanese syllabary Chinese character display. However, two lines of the tune title which contained the Chinese character were not able to be displayed.

[It] corresponds to two-line display. *** The stop button, [it] reproduces/the temporary stop button and the tune sending/<return button> group is sent/[it] equips it with the return button. The upper part of the main body is equipped with the holding switch, [SOUND], [DISPLAY], and the [P MODE] button.

The digital sound equalizer function which four (*puriset*) of "(*bahcharusaraund*)" to be able to select four sound scenes of "Studio", "Live", "Hall", and "Church" and "Metal", "Seoul", "Jazz", and "Techno" and can be set the user is installed. It is also quite interesting to confirm the effect according to the source.

*** At 45 hours in LP3 of 38 hours in LP2 of 31 <battery drive time> <standard mode> hours in an official value. Even if about ten hours are continuously used in the LP2 source, driving time which is almost near the catalog value can be expected only because the memory decreases by one step. Moreover, the AA dry battery case is attached, and the use of the AA alkali battery is possible.

- [It] has a good feeling well of the resignation as "Net MD recorder".

It felt that a good selection leg for the person of listening to music in the train with both tone quality and the operation feeling excellently put the main body in the bag on the assumption of the remote control operation. *** Installing is also good because the body which felt largeness at first is put in the bag etc. and it is not anxious, and <Square> デ(unknown word) Zain.

"Showing off item" [It] was able to have good feeling very much in the point of selecting a necessary function carefully as "Net MD recorder", settling well, and having raised it though there were neither a function nor a design, the charm by which the possession desire was tickled was scarce. *** Few of the operation button of the main body and <Square> デ(unknown word) Zain can also consent to consider this.

Being attached importance when buying it will still become a price. The market price of the MD recorder which corresponds to Net MD is a place where 30,000 yen was partly mentioned in the latter half 20,000 yen level. On the other hand, when I examined the price of “AM-NX1" in numerical shop in the big camera discount house in Shinjuku on the 25th, [it] is sold for 29,800 yen, and I can do nothing but say it is a little high when thinking the recording function is omitted. Of course, it is regrettable for a moment because it was thought that [it] became low-priced a little more in the meaning of differentiation of the goodness of the resignation of the packaging, the Sony brand, and the Aiwa brand though is "First of the season price", is a little improving only to the sale product in the beginning of March might.

- Home page of Sony
- News release
- Product information
- Related article
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【 eight January 】 Sony announces the new logo design of Aiwa which does the absorption amalgamation.
--The joining to Net MD and the digital camera, etc. is declared.
【 eight November, 2002】 and 【 (*deba*) 】 MD minimum in the world and the lightest Walkman of 9.9mm thickness
Sony “MZ-E10"
【30 October, 2002】 Net MD drive of the outside putting type to Kenwood
-The recording function is omitted and [it] reduces the price.

(March 28, 2003)

[Reported by usuda@impress.co.jp]

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