Sony completely changes desktop PC "Bio-" series. Bio- MX etc. equipped with - DVD±RWSale on January 25 one by one Where to make contact:VAIO catalog center
- PC equipped with the first DVD±RW drive in the world "Bio- MX"
- standard price:Open price A new model of desktop PC "Bio- MX" specialized to the audio function is put on the market on February 1. The shop forecast price is an expectation of about 350,000 yen and about 300,000 yen in subordinate position model “PCV-MXS7" of 15 type TFT liquid crystal and the high response amplifier/the normal cable attachment in place model “PCV-MXS7R" 17 type TFT liquid crystal display, high response amplifier GOLD/Monitor-PC silver cable, and after media receiver "Room link" is attached. The feature was to have built the DVD±RW drive into optics drove. *** DVD±R is four time velocity, DVD-RW, and 16 time velocity and CD-RW are ten time velocities. 2.4 time velocity and CD-R the twice velocity and DVD+RW the writing speedIn this company, it is assumed to be the first in the world to have built the DVD±RW drive into made of the maker PC. The specifications other than the presence of the difference between the liquid crystal display and the amplifier and the room links are common. The chip set is SiS651, and a video function is with built-in the chip set. HDD160GB, the NetMD drive, the TV tuner, and hardware MPEG-2 encoder are built into CPU by Pentium42.53GHz and the memory 256MB(DDR333 and 1GB or less). OS is Windows XP Home Edition. Remote control is attached. The interface is 1, memory stick slot × Ethernet, V.90 modem, and USB2 for 1 and Type2 PC card slot × felt-tipped marker gate.; *** [It] provides with a parallel port etc. 0×3, IEEE1394×2 (4 pins/each <six pins> 1), and the video I/O terminal, the optical, digital I/O terminal, and the antenna terminal.; In the size of the main body, 192×382×346mm(width × interior taking ×
height), and weight is about 11.5kg. - Product information
- High-end machine equipped with Pentium43.06GHz "Bio- RZ"
- standard price:Open price A new model of desktop PC "Bio- RZ" for the high-end is put on the market on February 1. Three models with a different CPU and chip set, etc. are prepared, and モ(unknown word) Dell that it is/there is no liquid crystal display respectively does the lineup. Common all model building of DVD±RW into featureThe writing speed becomes above-mentioned bio- MX and equal. It is said that it is the first in the world made of with built-in DVD±RW the maker PC as well as bio- MX. The DVD-ROM drive is built into top-end model “PCV-RZ71P" besides DVD±R. Intel850E is built into the chip set, and a video function is equipped with card (64MB) equipped with GeForce4 MX440. HDD250GB and FDD are built into CPU by Pentium43.06GHz of the HT technology correspondence and the memory 512MB(1GB or less and PC1066-32). The shop forecast price is an expectation of about 390,000 yen. Moreover, 17 type liquid crystal attachment model is an expectation of about 460,000 yen. Moreover, hardware MPEG-2 encoder and the TV tuner are built into, and attention the TV program can be recorded. Remote control is attached. The interface is 1, is 1, memory stick slot × Ethernet Type2 PC card
slot × and V.; *** [It] provides with the optical, digital output terminal
and the antenna terminal, etc. 90 modems and 6 and USB port × IEEE1394×2
(4 pins/each <six pins> 1).; In the size of the main body,
195×391×380mm(width × interior taking × height), and weight is about 14kg.
- Product information
- "Bio- W" to which model for NetMD is added
- standard price:Open price “PCV-W120" equipped with the NetMD drive and “PCV-W110" of non-installing newly do the lineup to liquid crystal/keyboard all-in-one design PC "Bio- W". [It] is put on the market on January 25, and the shop forecast price is an expectation of about 190,000 yen and about 170,000 yen in PCV-W110 in PCV-W120. Two models "Moon white" and "Cosmo blue" are prepared as a color variation. PCV-W110 of the subordinate position model becomes only Moon white.
TV attention/recording software “Giga Pocket Ver.5.0" is attached, and [it] reproduces/TV program and an external reflection can be recorded. The light part of receiving can be built into a front acrylic panel, and [it] operate it by the remote control of the attachment. HDD60GB and 8/16/10/24 time velocity DVD/CD-RW combo drive are built into CPU by Celeron1.80GHz and the memory 256MB(1GB or less and DDR). OS is Windows XP Home Edition. The interface provides with 1, 1, memory stick slot × Type2 PC card
slot × Ethernet, USB2.0×3, IEEE1394×4 (four pins), and the TV antenna
terminal, etc.487×334×261mm (width × interior taking × height), and in
size of main body, when keyboard is used, in weight, PCV-W120 is about
9.7kg, and PCV-W110 is about 9.5kg.
- "Bio- HS" to which model equipped with router function is added
- standard price:Open price Only top-end model “PCV-HS91BC7" is put on the market by three models of the rest as for conserve space desktop PC type "Bio- HS" series on February 1 in the beginning of March. Prices are all open prices. “Wireless Network Module" by which router function and IEEE802.11a wireless LAN are installed is built into top-end model “PCV-HS91BC7". The router and wireless LAN function always operate besides the power supply of PC. Moreover, 17 type liquid crystal of 1,280×1,024 dot display (SXGA) is attached. The shop forecast price is an expectation of about 300,000 yen. A video function is built into the chip set the chip set with Intel845GL. HDD120GB, the DVD-RW drive, the TV tuner, and hardware MPEG-2 encoder are built into CPU by Pentium42.40GHz and the memory 256MB(1GB or less and DDR). OS is Windows XP Professional, and Office XP Personal is attached. The interface provides with 1, 1, memory stick slot × Type2 PC card
slot × Ethernet, the V.90 modem, USB2.0×4, IEEE1394×1 (four pins), and the
antenna terminal, etc.In the size of the main body, about
108×408×321mm(width × interior taking × height), and weight is about
7.7kg. - Product information - Home page of Sony
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