To unsubscribe, send a mail message to, the message body should contain ``unsubscribe MD-L''. There are a few further details on controlling the MD-L listserver described below, such as enabling ``digest mode'' (highly recommended).
If you want to participate in the mailing list discussion, but don't have an email address, you can sign up for RocketMail, a free web based email service.
listserver@nstn.cawith one of these in the body: (Subject: doesn't matter)
If the mail mode is changed from digest to any- thing else, all messages currently stored for the next digest will be sent to the subscriber at once, in digest format.
Please do NOT send email about subscription problems to the mailing list itself or reply to the messages you get from the list -- your message goes to everyone on the list and none of them can get you unsubscribed. As a last resort, try sending a private email to someone who seems to know what's going on.
After sending your ``unsubscribe'' request you should receive an email reply telling you that you were unsubscribed. If you get a reply that says you are not on the list, send the commands ``which'' (to tell you what lists it thinks you're subscribed to) and ``review md-l'' to see if you email address is in there but under a slightly different form (unsubscription requests require your current ``From:'' address to match exactly the address used to subscribe).
If you do not get any reply after a couple of days the listserver is probably down -- try sending it again or sending the ``help'' command. If you're pulling your hair out try sending email to ``'' -- that is the address given in the ``Errors-To:'' line of md-l messages.