Archos Uploaders

Archos Ondio

Archos OndioPortable Flash Memory MP3 Player/Recorder
Intro: 12/2002
MSRP: US$140
Archos Ondio $103.50
In: LINE. Out: headphones/LINE. Data: USB (Mini B). DC IN: 4.5V(?)81 x 47 x 25mm, 60g


  • Unit plays and records MP3 audio files
  • MP3 playback from 30-320kbps VBR
  • MP3 recording selectable from 30-160Kbps.
  • Records from LINE, built-in microphone, or built-in FM radio.
  • 30 second "Retro" (time-machine) recording, starts recording 30 seconds before button press.
  • FM tuner (88-108MHz, scan function, 30 preset stations).
  • Internal 128MB flash memory (also accepts Multimedia Cards [current (ca. 2003) max MMC capacity: 128MB], but when MMC card is inserted, unit ignores internal 128MB memory).
  • USB 1.1 interface.
  • 112 x 64 pixel LCD panel (up to 8 lines of characters).
  • Unit functions as a mountable volume -- MP3 files can be freely dragged and dropped between the desktop and the device. (Windows/MacOS compatible).
  • Firmware updates downloadable from manufacturer's site.
  • Manual recording level control (LINE/MIC inputs) with L/R level meters.
  • Play modes: Normal, single, repeat all, suffle, queue and scan.
  • Measured USB transfer speed: 700KB/sec


User Comments: I had an Ondio but returned it. Yes, it had very basic level meters but the build quality of the unit I had was poor. Getting a miniplug to sit in the line-in jack properly was near impossible. -Anonymous

Optional Accessories: Archos sells a US$50 external microphone and preamp designed to connect to the unit's LINE input.

Specs: SNR: > 90dB, headphone amp: 100mW.


User Manual: Ondio

Battery LifePlay
AAAx312 hr (user manual) / 7.5 hours (CNET review)

Archos Jukebox Recorder 20

Archos Jukebox Recorder 20Portable Hard Disk MP3 Player/Recorder
Intro: 1/2000
MSRP: US$280
In: LINE, digital (coax). Out: headphones, digital (coax). Data: USB. DC IN: 9V115 x 83 x 34mm, 350g


  • Unit plays and records MP3 audio files
  • MP3 playback from 30-320kbps VBR
  • MP3 recording selectable from 30-160Kbps.
  • Records from LINE, digital input, or built-in microphone.
  • Internal 20GB hard drive (over 300 hours of 128kbps audio).
  • USB 2.0 interface, audio can be transferred at up to 12MB/sec (users report actual performance of 7-9MB/sec).
  • Backlit LCD panel (up to 8 lines of characters).
  • Unit functions as a mountable hard-disk drive -- MP3 files can be freely dragged and dropped between the desktop and the device.
  • Firmware updates downloadable from manufacturer's site.
  • Manual recording level control (LINE/MIC inputs).

User Comments:

  • The device's user interface for making recordings leaves quite a bit to be desired. Although Archos continues to provide firmware updates, compared to Minidisc equipment, the recording procedure for this device is absolutely archaic, to wit: To record, one must first "name" the file that will hold the recording. This is done with a simple titling interface not unlike what one finds on MD equipment (using arrow keys to select characters an move the cursor). Once the file is named, recording can commence at the push of a button. When a second recording is to be made, a new file name must be created, if this is not done each subsequent recording writes over the file created in the prior recording. This makes Sony's clunky END SEARCH procedure look brilliant and modern. A much simpler interface would have been one that placed each recording sequentially in a directory on the device (or allowed the user to assign a directory to hold recordings), with each recording automatically given names like "1", "2", "3", etc.
  • The user manual leaves something to be desired as well.

Included Accessories:

  • USB 2.0 (A-A) cable
  • AC-DC adapter
  • 2 sets of NiMH Batteries (one set already installed)
  • Stereo headphones
  • Carrying pouch
  • MusicMatchTM Jukebox software
  • Manual in 5 languages


  • Archos page
  • Rockbox (Archos Hacking) site.
    • User comments on RockBox: The RockBox software is an incredible upgrade over the [hopeless] stock OS from Archos. After the upgrade the performance is comparable to the iPOD (its main competitor) in almost every area including speed, display options, and software stability. It even corrects skips and errors in songs that the stock Archos software does not. -Toshi Woudenberg

Optional Accessories: Archos sells a US$50 external microphone and preamp designed to connect to the unit's LINE input.

Specs: SNR: > 90dB, headphone amp: 100mW.


User Manual: Jukebox Recorder 20

Battery LifePlay
NiMHx410 hr

Archos Jukebox FM Recorder 20

Archos Jukebox FM Recorder 20Portable Hard Disk MP3 Player/Recorder w/built-in FM tuner
Intro: 12/2002
MSRP: US$290
In: LINE. Out: headphones/LINE. Data: USB. DC IN: 9V(?)113 x 79 x 30mm, 290g


  • Unit plays and records MP3 audio files
  • MP3 playback from 30-320kbps VBR
  • MP3 recording selectable from 30-160Kbps.
  • Records from LINE, built-in microphone, or FM tuner.
  • Recorder has "retro" (time-machine) function that starts recording 30 seconds before button is pushed).
  • Recordings can be edited (cut-in and cut-out points set).
  • Internal 20GB hard drive (over 300 hours of 128kbps audio).
  • USB 2.0 interface, audio can be transferred at up to 12MB/sec.
  • 112 x 64 pixel backlit LCD panel (up to 8 lines of characters).
  • FM tuner (88-108MHz, scan function, 30 preset stations).
  • Unit functions as a mountable hard-disk drive -- MP3 files can be freely dragged and dropped between the desktop and the device.
  • Firmware updates downloadable from manufacturer's site.
  • Manual recording level control (LINE/MIC inputs).
  • Play modes: Normal, single, repeat all, shuffle, queue and scan.
  • Sound controls: Volume, bass, treble, loudness, balance and bass boost.

User Comments:

Second generation of original Archos Jukebox 20 with several improvments:

  • Recording mode now appends a part number (pt) to the audio file name, allowing you to start a new recording in a new file with the press of a button. First file will be "mysong", second file will be "mysongpt01". (Archos could still do with a course in UI design, but this is much better than the interface on the Jukebox Recorder 20).
  • LiIon battery.

Included Accessories:

  • USB 2.0 (A-A) cable
  • AC-DC adapter
  • Factory installed LiIon battery
  • Stereo headphones
  • Carrying pouch
  • MusicMatchTM Jukebox software
  • Manual in 5 languages


Optional Accessories: Archos sells a US$50 external microphone and preamp designed to connect to the unit's LINE input.

Specs: SNR: > 90dB, headphone amp: 100mW.


User Manual: Jukebox FM Recorder 20

Battery LifePlay
LiIon12 hr

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