Hucht Elektroniklabor Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CE


All, Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CE

Hucht Elektroniklabor Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CESCMS StripperDM598, DM298, DM198

Description: A reader comments: If you want to make digital copies between two MD or DAT decks, you can eliminate the SCMS by using an "Index Copyprocessor ICP 1-CE" from Hucht Elektroniklabor in Berlin. It costs DM 598 and has two inputs (one Toslink/optical and one coax/RCA) and two outputs (one Toslink/optical and one coax/RCA) plus AES/EBU in and out. Needs external power supply. Error flag LED on front, emulates DAT/MD start id's, CD, MD and DAT start id's will pass through.

If you want, they can even build in your MD or DAT deck an anti-SCMS system. This costs DM 298. You need however to send in your deck so they can build it in. I have one built in my Sony DAT DTC-2000ES and it also works perfectly and tranparently.

They also have a kit for you to build in yourself this anti-SCMS system. The kit just needs 5V - 80mA from your deck. This costs DM 198. The advantage is if you live out of Europe you don't have to send in your deck. You do have to build it in yourself though.

Also available is the Hucht Copy Processor MK 3: Kills scms 100%, Optical+Coax in, Opt.+Coax out, can be used as coax-opto-coax converter too. Error flag led on front, up to 24 audio bits. CD, MD and DAT start id's will pass through. Has internal 220V transformer. Price 400DM = $222

I highly recommend these. They are sold by:

BR Elektronik
Gotenstrasse 20
10829 Berlin
Tel/fax: + 49 30 781 44 07

Tonstudiobedarf Heinz Bluthard
Neue Bruecke 6
70173 Stuttgart
Germany, Tel: +49 711 29 76 90

Tonstudiotechnik Thomas Funk
Pfuelstrasse 1
10997 Berlin
Germany, Tel: +49 30 611 51 23

-Philippe Charlier, Loerrach, Germany ([email protected]) and Dirk ([email protected])


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