Dear Sony,I have been a audio hobbyist for over 25 years and never bought any portable audio gear,
that is until MD arrived onto the market. And because MD has so many advantages over
other portable audio digital devices, I feel that MD can be the number one choice for
consumers and professionals if only a few limitations could be removed and some new
features added.
Allowing NetMD to quickly upload audio to the PC would greatly add to the usefulness,
ease of use and help extend MD's market share particularly since there are other portable
digital audio devices currently on the market that already allow for this type of function.
Allowing NetMD to easily upload and download full quality ATRAC Type-R recordings
even if only in real-time or faster would take full advantage of the high quality audio that
MD is capable of. Doing so would greatly benefit audio hobbyists such as myself to keep
the quality of my audio mixes as high as possible for use in my car and portable MD
And finally, if future MD products could be designed to store the same amount or more
memory than what a regular CD holds, that would effortlessly allow for CD quality on a
MD and would greatly extend the recording/playback time in regular ATRAC and much
more recording/playback time using compressed ATRAC (LP2/LP4)...easily making MD
top choice for audio quality and playback time for portable audio devices.
MD was designed with the future in mind and has nicely matured in the last 10 years.
With the few suggestions above, I can easily see the MD format continuing to be very
competitive even in a market where digital technology changes very rapidly.
Barney Kahn