I'm writing this to petition Sony to allow digital uploads of recordings created on a minidisc. I already own two minidisc units that I bought a few years ago, and have considered buying a new NetMD unit to replace one of them. However, the lack of the ability to upload recordings from the minidisc to PC has postponed this decision for me. There is little incentive to replace my units with new ones. Direct uploading of content from the minidisc to PC is a significant enough feature for me to buy new minidisc units.I prefer the minidisc format because of the flexibility it offers. PC's are not needed for simple transfer of content from CDs to minidiscs. I can do this on my stereo system, where I listen to all my music anyway. While MP3 players requires a PC to store all content (and files are transfered back and forth from a PC to the MP3 device), I prefer to store everything on minidisc because of its portability and nearly indestructible nature. (I prefer it even over CDs because of these features, and currently I'm converting most of my CD, cassette tape, and album collection to minidisc format to keep the portability, but provide better durability.) NetMD uploads would help here in two areas. First, I would want to use the PC as a way to backup all my minidiscs in case I lose or break one. It is not convenient (or even possible many times) to transfer content to a PC first, then download it to a minidisc. Many times, the content is stored directly on the minidisc, and I want to backup the minidisc by uploading to a PC. (I can then easily re-create my minidisc by simply downloading the files to a new minidisc without re-recording everything.) Second, with all my files on the PC, it would be very easy to create my own MD compilations. Both of these reasons are lawful under current "fair use" legislation, and this is not any different from what people did in the past with vinyl albums and cassette tape (only without the PC!)
As I use the minidisc format, the lack of NetMD uploading is preventing me from investing in new units, or speeding my attempts to move portions of my music collection to a portable, durable, inexpensive format (thus preventing more mindisc sales!!) There are thousands, if not millions, of people like me who want to use the minidisc in completely lawful enterprises. Don't assume all of us are criminals, and prevent useful features in the minidisc format from being developed and implemented. Thank you for your consideration.