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NetMD Upload Petition to Sony: Collected Entries

(Sign the petition)

    1950. I can't invest in NetMD without digital upload capability

    Posted by David on 8/2/2002, 10:17:34

    I'm a public speaker and need to upload my speeches into my computer for processing with my slide shows. As soon as you add this capability I will by a NetMD recorder, but not until then.

    1951. Please add NetMD Digital Upload facility

    Posted by Neil Chase on 8/2/2002, 10:37:38

    You have a great addition to a great product line in NetMD. Like many other s I have an interest in field recording (family spoken history in particular). Enabling the upload digitally would improve the quality, reliability and ease of my project.

    1952. net md

    Posted by andy wilson on 8/2/2002, 10:50:01

    everyone who bought the net md was duped by sony as it was a natural expectation that the device would enable the user to transfer md files to the pc dosent! sony should expect massive returns of this product back to the stores that sold them.

    1953. Needs uploading capabilities

    Posted by Jean Calixte on 8/2/2002, 10:52:12

    Given the current capabilities of Net MD player/recorders, adding upload capabilities to new minidisc recorders would be beneficial to the company and the customers. Such a function would revitalize the already increasing interest in the minidisc market, and will thus make minidiscs a booming commodity. For the customers, there is a valued saving in the amount of time it takes to record. Besides, forcing a certain recording format is unfair and has proven to be a failed practice (how well did your walkman stick sell?). Thank you for taking the time and consideration.

    1954. I bought the MD thinking that it was able to upload word recordings!

    Posted by Dr. Ng Yih Yng on 8/2/2002, 11:53:58

    I bought the MD specificially because I thought it would allow me to record my lectures and upload them seamlessly and edit them on the PC. But after paying for it and setting it up I realised to my horror that something as simple as this was not possible. I feel so cheated as a consumer, to have paid so much money for a device, which I cannot even take back, and to have to live with this type of limitation. If this isn't corrected, I am very sure that I will buy a MP3 player next time. And you can be sure that neither myself or any of my colleagues will buy a Sony product for our work purposes.

    This product can be so much better.

    1955. UPLOAD / -GRADE!!!

    Posted by Markus Strauch on 8/2/2002, 13:32:20

    I bought my MZ-N 505 �cause I thought it would be possible to upload voice-recordings by USB faster and better than line. Truly dissappointing so far...

    1956. a modern recorder for the musician

    Posted by jiji on 8/2/2002, 14:22:51

    I plan to buy a recorder, but 'ill not buy a MD recorder till all currents audio formats are not accepted, and till i can't use it as a portable Hard drive.
    I'll buy a Creative DAP 3 (20go, Firewire, usb 2.0, all formats : wma, mp3, wav)
    Can you do the same ?

    1957. I'm returning my mini disc because it doesn't have this feature

    Posted by Kory Basaraba on 8/2/2002, 14:27:18

    I bought a mini disc yesterday to record my seminars. the salesrep told me about how fast It was to transfer audio from computer to minidisc. he didnt' mention that I couldn't upload the final recording to my pc!

    I bought the lastest version of the sony MD player with the NetMD based on the idea of fast data transfer. I realize now that I could have saved myself $200 and bought a lower end model for my recording purposes, since fast transfer from my pc isn't something I need. I need to transfer TO my pc.

    Its ridiculous that I cant upload my recorded data. I hope this changes. for now, I'm going to 'trade down' and spend that money elsewhere.


    Posted by Adam Theis on 8/2/2002, 15:01:54

    I've been working in the MD Sales industry and recording live music professionally on MD for about 4 years now and can't believe there is still no upload function especially for non-copyright materiallikepersonal recordings. We need NET MD UPLOAD NOW!

    1959. :( puchas.. esto de no poder pasar de MD a PC es muy penka

    Posted by Penguin on 8/2/2002, 15:11:51

    me acabo de comprar el NetMD y hoy grabe una tocata completita.. y ahora que quiero editarlo.. no se puede grrrr

    porfis habiliten o muestren mas informacion sobre el equipo para programarlo..

    esta muy bueno el mini disk en todo caso lo recomiendo.. pero eso es lo unico que falta.. aparte del formato.. pero eso es segundario..


    1960. Need to upload fieldrecordings

    Posted by Tim on 8/2/2002, 16:25:12

    It makes no sense that one cannot upload fieldrecordings to my computer.

    1961. Upload = Market Shares, Sales go up!

    Posted by Igor Vazhenin on 8/2/2002, 17:19:30

    Enabling the upload on NET MD
    will give the product the edge it needs coupled with sucessfull marketing compign it will prove that a good product/format can become great.

    1962. Upload function necessary for my success in college!

    Posted by Steven on 8/2/2002, 17:32:37

    I just purchased an MZ-N1. Other than enjoying music and downloading it to my MD player at blazing fast speeds, i also expected to have separate MD's where i recorded my professors lectures and uploaded them so that i could have them when i studied for exams. It would also be great to import the uploaded lecture and using voice recognition put it into text format which is easier to study from. (this ofcourse is very legitimate ) for purposes such as this an upload function should be added to open MG software..
    thank you .

    1963. Sony upload!

    Posted by Mrs. Beth Prevedel on 8/2/2002, 17:55:53

    Minidisc is the greatest way for the general public to record and play. MP3 is junk, and we know about cassett. Do yourselves a favor!
    Let this happen!

    1964. understand in some cases but furious in others!!!

    Posted by Samuel K Baik on 8/2/2002, 20:15:09

    i recorded some lectures for speakers that we invited to our church... we wanted to make the talks available to our students so that they could listen to the messages again from time to time on CD's... i was shocked to find out that after i had spent several hundred dollars on my 707 and microphone (which was totally overpriced), i realized that i couldn't download the lecture onto my hard drive so i could burn them onto CD's for my students!!! I still am angry... enough to the point where I'm debating to return my MD... i understand wanting to save copyrights, etc. but do people in my situation get penalized in the process!?! Furious with $300 out of my pocket and into YOURS!!!

    1965. please allow upload, I didn't buy one because of this

    Posted by Prabir Baruah on 8/2/2002, 20:50:24

    I was considering buying a Sony NetMD, until i realized I couldn't upload files to PC. I dont see the reason for this strange act, how does preventing upload prevent music piracy, if that is the intent? After all, PC to MD download is allowed in the netMD, and people get pirated music into their PCs first!
    I'm sure this product will be more popular when this strange 'business decision' is corrected. I know I'll buy it.

    1966. I would pay more!

    Posted by Micah Buckley-Farlee on 8/2/2002, 22:32:27

    I would certainly pay more for a minidisc player that uploads audio files to a computer. I think it is a near essential function.

    1967. I only bought a NetMD Recorder to upload analog recordings

    Posted by Christian Dabringhaus on 8/3/2002, 5:08:18

    As a student and a tutor I was thinking about recording my lectures etc. with a NetMd to ransfer them to my PC. If this would be possible you could easily make an cd covering all the information need to learn for an exam and attach it to the written material.

    1968. 30 hours recording >> 30 hours uploading

    Posted by andre.biedermann on 8/3/2002, 10:39:56

    This after 30 years digital technology.
    This is no joke unfortunately.
    I say only one word: STUPID

    1969. Net Md Upload

    Posted by Gavet Mathieu on 8/3/2002, 12:10:08

    Allez Sony !!
    J'en ai reve, sony vas le faire...l'upload sur les netmd !

    1970. Upload capabilities beneficial for SoHo pro users

    Posted by Sevo Stille on 8/3/2002, 13:21:06

    At our station as well as many others, MD has long taken over as the primary field reportage format. Given the size and weight issues with the few existing pro portables, ultra-compact consumer portables have become a quasi standard among our staff.

    With many of our reporters doing their editing work on their home office computers (or even on the road on a laptop), the faster PC>MD transfer times of NetMD capable devices have already brought some improvement to their work flow - but given that raw material generally exceeds the volume of a edited interview quite significantly, faster upload from MD to PC would be even more desirable.

    In its current state, I foresee that NetMD won't stay competitive with solid state MP3 recorders for more than a year or two - the bottom line of MP3 field recorders (arguably of low quality yet) is already down at half the price of a MZ-N1, and has instant computer file access through flash card drives.

    1971. Perfect technology for musicians wasted by beaurocracy

    Posted by Chris Holt on 8/3/2002, 13:23:55

    MD is an outdated technology when compared to MP3 players. What makes it so good is the recording potential and the use of disks. the former is wasted by this restriction on uploads.


    Posted by BOLLINGER on 8/3/2002, 13:40:44

    Pour: Sony Corporation
    Tokyo, Japan Sony Corporation
    New York, USA

    De: La communaut� internet des utilisateurs de Minidisc

    Chers concepteurs du Minidisc Sony,
    L'extension NetMD par Sony du format Minidisc est un formidable plus et a aid� � amener le Minidisc vers l'univers en r�seau de la distribution de musique en ligne. Notre p�tition vise une am�lioration du syst�me NetMD du Minidisc, qui permettra aux utilisateurs de Minidisc de transf�rer leurs enregistrements directement du Minidisc vers le PC (upload). Nous n'avons pas l'intention de poser des difficult�s ni de d�marrer une campagne de harc�lement contre Sony. Au nom de tous les utilisateurs de Minidisc, nous vous demandons aimablement de tenir compte de la p�tition qui suit :

    consid�rant que
    les enregistreurs Minidisc sont id�alement adapt�s � la prise de son num�rique sur le terrain;
    consid�rant que
    les utilisateurs ont fr�quemment besoin d'amener leurs enregistrements sur un ordinateur (IBM PC, Mac, Unix/Linux et autres) pour effectuer des traitements ou pour mieux les diffuser;
    consid�rant que
    un enregistrement Minidisc est intrins�quement un format num�rique;
    consid�rant que
    le seul moyen actuellement de r�cup�rer un enregistrement Minidisc sur un ordinateur implique l'� enregistrement � du signal par la carte son de l'ordinateur, un proc�d� long et complexe qui d�grade le signal � cause d'une conversion aller et retour vers une forme analogique;
    consid�rant que
    tous les enregistreurs Minidisc �tiqu�tent d�j� leurs pistes afin de distinguer celles qui ont �t� enregistr�es par une entr�e num�rique (et dont la copie est interdite) de celles qui ont �t� enregistr�es par une entr�e analogique (et dont la copie est autoris�e), ceci permettant donc une fonction upload qui emp�che les copies non voulues;
    consid�rant que
    le NetMD actuel de Sony fournit d�j� une fonction de transfert direct de l'audio compress� dans le sens ordinateur vers Minidisc;

    nous sous-sign�s,
    demandons aimablement � Sony d'�tendre le NetMD afin qu'il puisse �tre utilis� pour transf�rer de l'audio compress� directement de Minidisc vers PC, fournissant ainsi aux utilisateurs un moyen rapide, pratique et sans perte de r�cup�rer leurs enregistrements Minidisc sur PC.


    1973. make a great product perfect

    Posted by Ray lemon on 8/3/2002, 15:35:02

    Come on Sony!! think about it in this world of competion for sales make minidisc unbeatable. Only upload capabilities can achieve this.

    1974. MD technology is great... but PC uploading will make it the best

    Posted by fred fayaz on 8/3/2002, 15:46:27

    I had already purchased a MZ-R70 and just over a year ago purchased a MZ-R700DPC. However, I don't see myself even purchasing another $300 MD unit if it does not provide me with a complete recording and archiving solution.
    Many people have found MD technology to be very beneficial and have discovered other ways in using that technology which was not realized at the time of it's conception. For people in the radio business it has been an invaluable tool in recording interviews, archiving production and providing the only easily portable digital recording device that is compatible with the radio and music production equipment we use (other formats like DAT and CD-R are just too expensive for out of studio use). Now that NetMD has introduced downloading of audio via USB but NOT uploading audio to the PC, I have no use for the NetMD function at this time (it doesn't justify a $300 purchase if my older unit provide me with the same functions). Now you, Sony (as company) may not consider my statement as being that of a typical MD user, but from my experience Minidiscs are not your typical audio format. MD users are not typical people, they want technology as versatile as possible. It is the only way that the MD community will grow. Technology that is as good as MD will only get better with the addition of PC uploading.

    1975. Turn on uploads

    Posted by Ryan S on 8/3/2002, 18:22:51

    I have just captured a wonderful live recording of my son's clarinet recital on MD. Alas, no others will ever delight in it again because there is no way (except analog re-record) to get the audio to CD. Ok, it was my fault to assume that uploads to the PC were a given.
    I am a truly loyal Sony customer and would be quite willing to shell out more money to have this capability. Next time I'll read the fine print better. Hey, but if Sony fixes the 'problem' all kinds exciting things are possible for the personal recording enthusiast.

    1976. I dream for it, sony can do it!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Bouakkaz on 8/3/2002, 19:59:51

    PLz be cool net md upload could replace this ####ing floppy!!!!!!!! ^^

    1978. PLease!

    Posted by Sam Garfield on 8/3/2002, 22:52:16

    Yeah, and don't try to jip us into buying new stuff. We know that the hardware is all capable and it would only require a software update!
    And whats with the LP only dubbing? That's weak!

    1979. why no upload?

    Posted by K. Powell on 8/4/2002, 0:20:30

    I have been a faithful Sony customer for several years. As a musician, I am very frustrated that I can not share my own music and/or rehearsals with my peers. I recently purchased a MXS computer and a MZ-N707, both with NET MD, but I really can't do much with either. You should not put your customers in this type of situation. Please give this and the similar request of others your immediate consideration.

    Dr. Kenneth E. Powell

    1980. PLease let it be two ways..

    Posted by Jas on 8/4/2002, 0:42:55

    Both uploading and downloading are important for me to exchange music between my md and pc.

    1981. NetMD Uploading is Key to Explosive Sales Growth

    Posted by RON REYNOLDS on 8/4/2002, 1:00:47

    I have been using MD for several years and have talked to many of my friends about the media. The lack of a quick way to upload thier music from MD to thier PCs has prevented most of them from seriously considering purchasing at this time. The pent up desire for this feature will KEY an unbelievable surge in sales. SONY stands to increase their sales DRAMATICALLY from providing this feature.

    A quick poll of my friends show that more than 70% of them would eagerly purchase a MD solution that provide fast uploading to their PCs. This is definitely a win-win situation. SONY would be wise to expedite developing and shipping this feature to the public.

    1982. Uploading essential

    Posted by Aubrey Townsend on 8/4/2002, 1:38:20

    I would like to use the MD as a field recorder, but for that purpose I need to be able to upload and edit files.

    Aubrey Townsend

    1983. Extremely frustrating and poor marketing

    Posted by Jay Erickson on 8/4/2002, 1:41:05

    I am a working musician in New York City and would very much like to be able to load MY music from shows etc easily and without signal degradation to my computer. I will not advise friends to go the NetMD route until this is resolved. In fact, i will discourage them from buying your product to save them the disappointment i have experienced.

    1984. Minidisc was made for recording and playback

    Posted by Nik Roby on 8/4/2002, 1:48:14

    Minidisc is a awsome concept. I've owned 3 differant sony recorders and I love them all. The newest minidisc I got was the 707, but there are some strange things about minidisc tracks. I cant upload my recordings. I can not erase songs that have been transfered, nor can I erase the whole disc if it has a downloaded song. I am so impressed with the netMD, but with a few tweaks, like smoother software and audio upload capability, no MP3 player would stand a chance.

    1985. I'm disappointed in Sony...

    Posted by virotik on 8/4/2002, 3:36:06

    I recently bought a Sony portable minidisc recorder. I'm happy with it EXCEPT I'm EXTREMELY disappointed that I can't upload files to my PC! It shouldn't be considered a fully functional portable recorder with a PC link if it's not 100% integrated! I was hoping to make recordings for a local coffee shop band and burn them onto CD-R with a little audio-tweaking before burning it, but the Sony corporation is making it a pain in my buttocks. Thanks, Sony, for the lack of commitment to customer satisfaction. I'm returning this annoying minidisc recorder in a week if I don't see any changes... who's with me?

    1986. bring back digital transfers from mini disk !!!!!!!!

    Posted by shannon on 8/4/2002, 5:49:18

    bring back digital transfers from mini disk !!!!!!!!

    1987. castrated net-MD implementation?

    Posted by Wiglev v. Wedel on 8/4/2002, 6:39:16

    For the sony-vaio notebook a netMD-drive is offered, so why is a bidirectional communikation not possible???

    1988. MD still alive...

    Posted by Andr� Marolf on 8/4/2002, 9:09:08

    MD still alive...

    1989. NetMD upload -- LARGEST MISSING FEATURE

    Posted by R Pagani on 8/4/2002, 11:03:36

    Well, the product line is great, but the upload is bad. Like someone said, if Apple offered a recording feature, iPod would be suitable. NetMD is nice since the MD's are interchangeable amongst MD players/recorders and other MD users. Versatility is key, the more versatile, the larger your user base. As a Mac user as well and a PC user, support from the creative community is close at hand. Firmware upgrade??? PLEASE???

    R Pagani

    1990. Uploading for location recording !!!

    Posted by Phil k on 8/4/2002, 11:11:31

    I purchased the Sony MZ-N1 minidisc as a location sound recorder Vocals,Soundeffects etc.
    I don't understand why Sony has made it impossible to transfer recorded material to my P.C via USB?

    Sony almost had the perfect unit!!!

    1991. C pas logique !!

    Posted by Alain on 8/4/2002, 11:52:26

    Il faut que le MD puisse autoriser l'upload sur PC, car je ne peux meme pas sauvegarder les concerts que je fais (je suis trompettiste professionel ) ....

    Merci � sony s il fait cette belle initiative (un peu forc�e !!)
    (vivement le transfert de donn�es aussi !! ex :images d'appareils photo-num�riques, surtout que c en projet les appareils photo num avec les MD !!)

    1992. Not every copy is a bootleg

    Posted by Ian Hiles on 8/4/2002, 12:16:11

    There are a number of legitimate reasons for uploading MD>PC: amatuer bands wanting to replay performances, writers wanting to catalogue interviews, people wanting a seperate digital audio track on their home videos... The x3 limit on check-out is acceptable for these purposes, but the prohibition on checking in home recorded material pre-empts that every customer is a pirate. I suppose if Sony don't release a patch, someone else will, and the initiative will be lost.

    1993. I desided not to buy Minidisk walkman

    Posted by Anton Rapp on 8/4/2002, 13:23:25

    Thanks a lot for this petition!
    I think SONY must mark this impossibility as main feature of minidisk (to not frustrate potential buyers,like me)!
    Its wonderfull - like death :
    one way road...

    1994. Performers

    Posted by Benjamin on 8/4/2002, 13:24:05

    I thought this would be a relatively cheap way to make high quality recordings of my band. But if I can't get them off of the minidisc they are worthless. Please enable track upload.

    1995. Net MD no upload

    Posted by Chris on 8/4/2002, 15:32:32

    I want to record lectures at university and store them on my PC it would be a big help to me.

    1996. upload our band songs to computer...

    Posted by matt grant on 8/4/2002, 15:53:47

    i bought this md player/recorder thinking it would let me transfer files from the pc to md.. and md to pc.. but then i found out it can't do md to pc. this is frusterating because our band records onto minidisc and has to record in "realtime" to get the songs into a file format

    booooo hiss

    1997. lack of KEY reason I bought the equipment

    Posted by Dane on 8/4/2002, 16:36:59

    I purchased the Net MD purely to record voice conversations and interviews, only later to realize that the upload capability to PC was left out. To store meaningful personal and academic audio files on my PC was the most important feature to have! I found this page searching for anyone that knows how to do the transfer... and I found a host of reasonable complaints here. Please make the uploading feature available as a web download as soon as possible.

    1998. really need net md upload

    Posted by dadann on 8/4/2002, 18:49:44

    As a musician, i'd like to save my recordings on my PC.

    1999. KAM ON

    Posted by Masters on 8/4/2002, 21:15:00


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