I chose the minidisk over IC recorder options because i thought it would be a better all-round solution, and for the most part I'm satisfied. It allows me to use the same tool for voice notes as i use for entertainment.But how much more useful it would be if i could upload my vocal notes to my computer and process them through my voice recognition software! I'm hoping that the software will one day allow this, and then i will become your devoted spokesperson.
I recognise and support the need for protection of music, but i also resent being treated like a pirate. I have no interest in making anything but personal copies of songs. When i upload CD's to my PC, i'm always careful to keep them out of my shared folder to avoid breaking copyright and making them available to all and sundry.
When i download music from the free services (limewire, etc.) It is almost always either a rare item that is not available for purchase, or a sample. If i like it, i buy the CD.
I honestly don't believe that being able to upload from NetMD will result in mass music piracy. I believe that music distributers might be satisfied that the MD format protects their interests if an alternate method is employed. Tag the uploaded files as watermarks are used by stock photographers. Use a leader or time-stamp solution for voice recordings which would interfere with music recordings but work adequately for dictation and/or interviews.
Or employ your organisation's obvious creativity and resourcefulness to find a solution that also meets the needs of amateur musicians.
Not allowing uploads from MD is a limitation that has a profound detrimental impact on the usefullness of the MD format. As an almost satisfied customer, I ask you to reconsider.